Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

POV: James

Call me weird, but I loved the girls' flair. I loved the fact that she stood up for what was right. She wasn't scared of me. Usually, people were because of my physic. She was down to earth, friendly and kind. As I got to know her, I realised that she had a fire in her that could set any building ablaze. She wasn't like the rest; she was different and I liked that about her.

She was a keeper.

"How are you feeling?" I asked.

"I'm getting better," she answered. "What happened to your shoulder?"

"It's nothing. Just a little accident."

There was a pause.

"I hope your boss recovers fast. The world needs him," she said.

I frowned at her. She knew who she rescued? I knew she was too good to be true. "So, you knew who you were saving?"

"Something like that."

"That's why you saved him? Because he's the great Aaron Valeron?" I asked, as the tone in my voice changed.

"No! I didn't save his life because I knew who he was, I did it because it was the right thing to do. Because he is a human being like myself, and no one deserves to die in the way he almost had. Whether I knew him or not, I would've still saved his life."

"Oh, I thought--------"

"You thought wrong."

"Sorry if I upset you. I'm just-------"

"Say no more. You've said enough for the day," she faced away from.

I bit my bottom lip, as it came to my attention that I had mad her angry. Although, that wasn't my intention. I guess, I went a little hard on her. I was making sure that I wasn't dealing with another psycho. I had encountered a lot along the way and trust me, one little mistake and you're doomed. They aren't as friendly as they seem. "I didn't catch your name," I said to her.

"I didn't throw it."

I smiled. "James, James is my name. I'm like James Bond, you know."

"Who's James Bond?"

"You don't know who James Bond is?"

She shook her head. She didn't know who James Bond was. I mean, who didn't know who James Bond was?

The doctor then entered the room.

"Excuse me," I said, as I left the room.

I went to Aarons' room. He had fallen into a coma since day one, and I still waiting for a miracle to happen. I was worried, to be honest. I really wanted him to make it. He was on life support and if his heart condition didn't improve then, I would have to call his mother.

I wanted to avoid calling his mother, because she might get a heart attack after I tell her that only son was in the hospital, in a coma, and that his condition was critical. She would be in pieces. The poor old lady had already endured so much from her husbands' passing. She could not bear to lose her only son. He was her pride and joy. Her only reason for being alive. His passing would bring a great amount of pain to her. He was her world and she deserved to know all that was happening.

Two weeks had passed and I was closing in on the decision of telling his mother. If he could talk, I knew that he would try to talk me out of it. But in his present state, I couldn't. If she finds out for herself, she would be so disappointed in me. That lady was like my mother and I couldn't let her down. I loved her too much.

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