Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

POV: Isabel

Today was my last day, as I was getting discharged. Mrs Stella had paid for all my hospital bills and I truly grateful for that. To be honest, I didn't want to go. I didn't want to miss James. We had formed a bond that had become dear to me. Who would make me laugh when I feel down? Who would take long walks with me around the hospital? I had just realised that someone that you have known for a month, was better than someone you have known for three years.

"Do you have a family?" asked James.

"Why are you asking?"

"'Cause since you entered this hospital, no one has called you or even came by to visit."

"I'm an orphan."

He then kept quiet.

"I'm sorry. I didn't------"

"It's life."

After the nurses replaced my bandages and everything of mine was ready, I turned to look at James. Before words could escape from my mouth, tears fell from my eyes. It hurt to say goodbye. "I guess this is goodbye," I managed to speak.

"Come here," he replied, as he opened up his arms to me.

I walked over to him and he wrapped me up in his arms. I felt so small, as if I was a kid again. I didn't want him to let go. I didn't want to leave him. Who would he confide in when his emotions start catching up with him? He was such a strong person. One thing about being strong was that, the world would treat you anyhow it liked. You'd fall and pick yourself up on several occasions, and people would still push you back down to see if you'd get up again. They never put in mind that, they too, are also people! Strong people also have hearts and need a shoulder to lay on at the end of the day.

James was the type to explode, once he couldn't handle the weight on his shoulders. He was a nice guy with a big heart. I felt for him, as his boss was not out of his coma. No one knew if his condition would worsen or not. Doctors told us that there was a sixty percent chance of him not making it. Those weren't the words any parent would want to hear. I couldn't imagine the pain that they were going through.

James let go of me and walked me to his car. "My men will take you home."

I looked back at his men and nodded. "Are you sure you're going to be okay?" I asked, worried.


He opened the door to the car for me. I got in and he closed it. I rolled down the window and sent him a smile. He smiled back, as he waved me off goodbye.

POV: James

I would truly miss Bell. Although, we had started off from a rocky start, we grew fond of each other. She always listened to me and gave me good advice. She was pure and kind, one of the rare characteristics a woman would possess in this world. I could tell that her she didn't have a happy childhood. The way she forces herself to say nice things about it, says it all. She was a broken soul that needed someone to mend it for her. I would miss her, most especially her smile. It lit up every room she entered, in the most amazing. Who would crack jokes with me? Who would make me forget about Aaron's condition? Who would I tell my bedtime stories to?

After Isabel left, I entered Aarons' room. Only to find nurses and a doctor surrounding Aarons' bed. I then noticed Mrs Stella in the corner, crying her eyes out. What had happened? When they noticed me in the room, one of the nurses escorted me out. Everything happened so fast, that I couldn't even see Aaron. Later on, Mrs Stella was also escorted out. She found me pacing outside, as I prayed that whatever had happened would not affect Aaron negatively.

I walked up to her and asked her what had happened. "One minute, the heart monitor is making funny sounds the next, I see Aaron shaking on the bed. I didn't know what to do. I alarmed the doctor and he rushed in with nurses. They were trying to stabilise him when you entered. I kept on hearing them talk about how his heart rate had dropped. They held him down and injected something into him and,,,,,(crying), I don't know, James. Everything happened within a blink of an eye."

Aaron was taken to the ICU. I was feeling a lot of emotions running through me. I was hurting. For the first time in a long time, tears were running down my face. It was as if, I was losing my own son. It hurt deeply. It had been hours before the doctor came out.

POV: Isabel

When I got home, I opened the front door to a room full of empty beer bottles laying around. Regina! Regina was my housemate; we shared the rent. I couldn't afford the rent on my own due to my low paying job. I had to share the house with someone and the only person I found was Regina, a party girl.

I didn't care about her partying ways, I cared about the rule that she never respected: NO MALES IN THE HOUSE.

Every time I came home from work, I always found a new guy in our house. The worst part was that they did whatever they always did, when I wasn't around on the bed that we shared. I couldn't share a bed with Regina and her male friends! So, I relocated into the closet. I know what you're thinking and don't worry, the closet was big. I actually managed to buy a new bed and it fit perfectly. And I was the only one who had access to it so, I didn't have to worry about finding Regina and her friends in my room.

A few days had passed, since I had last seen James. I missed him. Too bad I didn't get his phone number.

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