Chapter 38

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We waited outside of the room as Mrs Stella was inside with Aaron and the doctor. My heart was out of place. I was caught with fear of might happen to Aaron. This was my first time experiencing his allergies. The other times were of Aaron repeatedly telling me not to feed him mushrooms, even as we went to restaurants he'd remind me not to order mushrooms because even the smell of them, could trigger his allergies. Now it all made sense. The only reason why the mushrooms were served was because Ale loved them. And the pot was close and far away from Aaron's reach. I wanted to hit myself because I had failed Aaron.

A while later, Mrs Stella opened the door and invited me in. I turned to face Ale as he kissed my cheek and told me that Aaron was going to be alright. As soon as I saw Aaron, I wanted to run out. I couldn't stop my tears from coming out. Aaron's situation was horrible. His neck had swollen up and his eyes were now bloodshot. As a result, the doctor had to take off his sweater and left him bare. He was covered up in a blanket but I could see his hands forming fists. Even in such a critical condition, he was still trying to be strong.

I couldn't stay in the room any longer. As I was about to open the door so I leave, Mrs Stella stopped me. "I'm not needed here," I said to her.

"You're very much needed, Isabel. Aaron needs you."

"But his gf---------"

"I said he needs you, not her," she spit out.

I faced Aaron and walked closer to him. I've never seen him in such a state where he was defenceless before. It broke my heart to be useless to him. He needed his love, Gabby. He hated me and I just didn't know why Mrs Stella was being stubborn about it.

The doctor then turned to me. "Are you his girlfriend?" he asked.

My heart dropped. Would he chase  me out if I say no? I nervously shook my head. "I need to talk to the girlfriend. Where's she?"

I met Aaron's eyes, looking at my fragile self, my tears for him. I put him in that state and it killed me inside.He saw my tears. I opened the door and called in Gabby and I left. I couldn't bare to be in the same room as them. It wouldn't be right.

I saw Ale sorted in the living room. I went over to him and wrapped my arms around him. I needed a shoulder to cry on. It hurt me so much seeing Aaron in that state, especially since I could've prevented it but I didn't. It was all my fault

"He's going to be fine, Isabel," Ale told me.

"It's my fault, Ale. I could've prevented it," I cried.

"Baby, it's not your fault. God knows that you tried to prevent it. You told Gabby and she played stubborn," he replied.

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