Chapter 39

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When I went home after work and found Aaron outside, I guess he was getting fresh air. I wonder how he even got out the house. I just walked past him without saying a word. He'd greet me back in silence, anyways, so what was the point?

I went to my room and changed into something more comfortable. When I came back downstairs, Mrs Stella had come back and was asking Aaron how he got outside, he told her he called a friend.

"Gabby?" she asked.

"Brianna," he answered.

"The one who recently got married?"


She saw inside and turned to Aaron. Dang. "Why didn't you just call Isabel?" she asked.

"She wasn't here."

"What?" she responded as she entered the house.

I wasn't supposed to go out till Aaron got better, but I just had to. I needed to go and work on some things at the office and I was bored at home, and...yeah. That was it. "Hi," I smiled at her.

"Why did you leave Aaron all alone in his condition?" she asked, angry

"Am I forced to take care of him?" I asked.


"Please answer my question."

She put her hand-bag down and faced me."Why do I have a feeling that you didn't take care him yesterday like I told you to?"

"Because your feeling is right," I answered in a high tone. Aaron could hear everything and I didn't care because I needed him to hear what I had to say. "You know very well that I don't do things without reason. I think you should get your son a maid who has a good heart to take care of him, because I have had enough. He is arrogant, ungrateful and plain rude. Thank goodness, my time at his company is almost up because I have had it up to my neck with him. If he doesn't want to see my face everyday, he just had to point it out, not take it out on me for trying to do the right thing."

I left Mrs Stella in the living. I couldn't contain my cool and I couldn't take it out on anybody because it was my fault.

Mrs Stella

I was so worried about the relationship between Aaron and Isabel. Isabel had never lashed out like that before. It appeared that every time I left those two together, their relationship would just worsen. I was really tired. The question was, what happened?

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