Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

POV: Isabel

Mrs Stella then turned to the crowd and called for everyone's attention. I didn't have a clue of what was happening. She turned to me and gave me a soft smile. I looked down at the people that were gathered around us, as I tried to spot out James. "I want to thank you all for coming to this little gathering. I have invited you all so that we celebrate and thank this beautiful angel besides, for saving my son's life."

Little gathering? She faced me and said, "Thank you, Isabel. Thank you saving my life, for preventing another death for I wouldn't've known what to do without my son. Words cannot express my feelings, only my actions can. It's unfortunate that my son isn't with us tonight, but on his behalf," she paused, as she turned to the body guards that stood behind us. One of the men, walked to her an gave her a wrapped box.

She then turned back to me and smiled. "I am giving you keys and documents to your brand-new house," she finished, as she handed me the box.

I was tongue-tied. I couldn't believe it. I accepted the box and with her approval, I unwrapped it, right away. She couldn't be serious. My hands were literally shaking from all the emotions that I was feeling.

In the box were the documents and the house keys that she had said. Tears were running down my cheeks, as I couldn't control them. This was a really big moment for me. Mrs Stella embraced me in her arms. I didn't know whether I felt as though I was loved or maybe, it was just my reward of good deed. Either ways, I was still grateful and over-joyed.

"Let's toast to Isabel," she said, as she got a glass.

"To Isabel," said the whole house at large, as they raised their glasses and drank to me.

I felt so honoured. I didn't expect anything to come out from saving someone. I had been doing that my whole life and, I never really got anything out of it. Not that I'm saying that I had wanted something but, you know. I never took it as a big thing. I had never received so much attention plus love and appreciation, like the way I was getting at the party. It felt unreal.

After everything, I gave Mrs Stella back the box for safe keeping and then, I went downstairs to James. I found him standing beside a woman, with his hand around her waist. As I approached them, they both turned to look at me and instantly, I recognised the woman. It was his wife. A smile lit up my face.

"I hope I'm not wrong but, are you James' wife?" I asked.

She smiled at me. She had a pretty and bright smile, just like James. "Yes. If I may ask, how do you know me?" she responded.

"Your husband has gushed a lot about you. He even showed me pictures of you. You're lucky to have him for a husband. I hope you're not the one who gave him a big head about being James Bond."

She cracked up. James stood with a smile on his face. "He had that mentality even before I met him," she answered.

"Keep laughing, tomorrow you'll praise me,"

said James.

POV: Mrs Stella

I was talking to one of my guests, when I saw Aaron coming through the front door. I cursed under my breath, as I excused myself from my guests to meet up with him. "What are you doing here? I thought you went to Miami." I questioned him.

"Firstly, I thought I was invited and secondly, I cancelled. I need rest, remember?"

"Well, it's good that your brain cells are not dead. Secondly, your presence are no longer needed here," I admitted.

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