Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

POV: Isabel

When we got to the house, we found Mrs Stella in her living room. James immediately excused himself, and only Mrs Stella and I remained. "Sit," she said.

I did as she said.

"How are you?" she asked.

"I'm fine, madam, yourself?"

"Very well, thank you. Do you know why you're here?"

I shook my head. Why was I there?

"I sent for you because I want to thank you for saving my son's life."

"It's fine, madam. It really is," I smiled.

"(laughing), nonsense. I want to take you shopping. My treat."

I raised an eyebrow in surprise. Did I really look that bad to the bone that I needed a makeover? I remained quiet.

"Don't misread the situation. It's just a way of me thanking you. You see, Aaron is my only son and I would've gone mad if something had happened to him. My husband is late and I'm only left with him in this sick, cruel world. He's my everything. You saving his life meant that, you had also saved mine. I will forever be indebted to you," she revealed.

I remained quiet.

"Would you allow me to take you out for a shopping spree? All expenses on me." she asked.

I nodded, as I didn't have much to say. I knew that, if I had refused, she would've been on my case. Sometimes, you just have to give people what they want.

She got up and went to change her clothing. Much later, we were at the mall, finishing all the stores of their stock. Basically, Mrs Stella bought the whole mall for me. I didn't even know where to wear some of the clothes that she had bought. Shopping was not my thing. I enjoyed being home, surrounded by the people I love, dressed in nothing but sweat pants and a baggy shirt. Simple.

After a very long day at the mall, Mrs Stella took me home. I had been standing for the whole day and my feet were killing me. "Tomorrow night, my driver will pick you up to come to my house. Dress elegantly, I've got a surprise for you," revealed Mrs Stella.

I was totally thrown off guard when I heard that. Surprise? There was more? Weren't the clothes enough? She had spent a fortune. I didn't like surprises. They always freaked me out. Dress elegantly? When was the last time I wore a dress? What was elegantly? I needed help.

I nodded, without looking at her because I didn't want her to see the worry on my face.

When I entered the house, I noticed that Regina wasn't home. She was always out during the night and I was in during the day. Awesome, no? I had gotten tired of always tidying up the place cause every time Regina got home, the place would be a mess again.

Regina wasn't a bad person. She was a sweetheart with a short temper, but once alcohol was present, she was a whole different person.

As I unloaded my bags from the car, with the help of Mrs Stella's men, Mrs Stella followed us inside the house but she didn't stay for long. The place was a mess and there was a funny, strong smell that could make someone sick. I guess, I got used to the smell. I was embarrassed.

I followed her outside. "What's that horrible stench in there?" she asked.

"Uhm, well----"

"You know what, I don't want to know," she said, as she got into her car.

Regina never told me what caused the stench. She always told me to ignore it and I did. That was the reason why I never invited people to my house.

"I have a housemate that mostly stays home. I don't know anything about the smell, because she told me to not mind it."

"Talk to your housemate then. The smell in there is unbearable. Talk about the mess! Goodness, are you people pigs? Change your living conditions and tidy up. No human can live in such a place. Change."

"I'm sorry."

"See you, tomorrow. Don't be late and please.....dress elegantly. I believe you know what I mean by that," she said and drove off.

I bit my bottom lip. No, I didn't.

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