Chapter 26

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In the following weeks, James and Aaron had to travelled out of the country and I was only left with Janet. It was honestly hard for me to trust Aaron, but part of me believed that he would be on his best behaviour. Trusting males was just generally hard for me. One thing that I had observed is that they constantly lie. Another one also, would be that they tell a woman what she wants to hear, which is really wrong. Aaron was an honest guy, from what I had observed so far. Maybe in the future he would break my trust but until then...I had to trust him.

One day, I came back from work totally exhausted with a migraine that was killing me. I drank at least a bottle of water and took a pain killer, then went straight to bed.

After hours of turning in my bed, I sat up in my bed and noticed a dark figure at the window. "Hey."

The voice sounded familiar. Aaron? The darkness in the room couldn't allow me to see the person clearly. Could it be Aaron? I got up and walked over to the switch. As the lights went on, I clearly saw Aaron smiling from the window with his arms crossed at his chest, leaning against the wall. Aaron was really in my room!

"Why are you looking at me as if I'm a ghost?" he asked.

I sat in my bed in amazement. What was you doing here? "Aren't you supposed to be in England?"

He laughed and came closer. "I finished early."

"So, what are you doing here?" I asked looking at the clock. It read 9.58 pm. Wow!I slept for that long?

"Do I need permission to visit, my lady?" he raised an eyebrow.

"I just thought that you'd get time to visit your other lady friends in England."

"Oh come on, you're my only lady, and you know that."

"Do I?"

He bit his bottom lip and chuckled. His concerntration was fully on me. "Stop looking at me."

Aaron had a look that would pierce through you and melt your heart. He had a big heart and only the people that were close to him new that. He also had a way with words. He was...himself areound me and I loved that. It proved that he trusted me.

"Are we like anything?" he asked.


He took a while to reply as he made himself comfortable on my bed. I sat leg-crossed as he layed on my thigh.


I swallowed hard as I realised that I wasn't the only one that was overthinking everything

"Why are you asking?" I cleared my throat, as realisation hit me that we were actually talking about him and I, were we stood and how we were going to work things out. I was lost in the clouds.

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