Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

POV: Isabel

Hours later. I had felt so weak. Weak to the point where I couldn't even move my body or open my eyes. As I tried to take a deep breath, my chest hurt. My body and head felt so heavy. "Bell," I heard.

Was that James?

"Bell cannot be here," I heard again. That was James!

I tried to slowly open my eyes. It hurt but I had to. When I managed to open them, I tried to keep them open but I couldn't. Every part of my body hurt badly. Eventually, I gave up on trying and just dosed off.

I opened my eyes a while later and I had felt much better than before, although, my body was still in pain. I was in the hospital and I couldn't move my arms and legs but my back was where the real problem was. The door opened and my eyes concentrated on it till I saw the person that entered.

James and Aaron.

"Bell!" called out James, as he ran to my side.

A soft smile came onto my face. "Hi," I managed to say.

"How are you? How are you feeling?" he asked, as he held my hand.

"Better than the last time," I said, as my gaze focused on Aaron, who was in the background with his hands in his pockets.

"Aaron," I called out to him.

He faced me. "Yeah?"

"Thank you," I said.

"For what?"

"Saving my life."

He just gave me a nod to assure me that he got what I said. I had forgotten that he was a man of little words.

"The doctor said that you can get discharged tomorrow but I want you to stay in here," revealed James.

I frowned at what he said. "I don't want to stay in here. I told you that I don't like hospitals."

"I know but who would take care of you? Janet and I are going out of the city."

"I can take care of myself."

"Now I know that you aren't fine."

I rolled my eyes at him. "I can take care of her," Aaron said.

"Not even if I was dying would I trust you with her," replied James.

I thought the two of them had settled this. "You two are giving me a headache," I said.

"Even if she comes and stays with you, you won't be able to take care of her. You're a workaholic, remember?"

"Don't judge what I choose to show you," replied Aaron.

Hours later. Well guess what, I ended up going with Aaron. Half of me knew I'd regret it while, the other half was grateful that I wasn't in the hospital.

On the way to his house, I was asleep. I later awoke on a bed. Judging by the size, I could probably say that it was a queen size bed. I closed my eyes for a while and when I opened them again, Aaron was in my room.

"Wake up. It's time to take your medication," he said.

I was exhausted. I opened my eyes to him. He got a firm grip on me and made me sit a bit up on the bed. He grabbed a plate of food and sat at my bedside.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked.

He was silent. I started to dose off again. "You have to eat something. Your body doesn't have energy to keep you awake," he said.

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