Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

POV: Isabel

I had really enjoyed myself at the party. Aaron was nice enough to have danced with me, even though I was a mess. His wounds had healed and left scars but nevertheless, was still smiling and handsome. If Josh was there, he would've walked away from the party. He didn't like to dance. He was always negative about people dancing. He hated it so much. Or maybe, he just didn't want to dance with me. He was forever busy, and he never had time for me. At times, I asked myself if he did love me, as he claimed.

"Where's Josh?" asked James.

"He's busy. As always"

James frowned at me. "When was the last time you guys talked?"

"A month ago."

His eyebrows flew up in surprise. "Serious?"

"He's a busy guy."

"Don't give that pathetic excuse. No one is forever busy. Either you make time or bring up excuses."

"Just give him time, he'll come around."

I hoped.

After the party, Mrs Stella's men took me home. I was exhausted and the heels that I wore, were killing me. What Mrs Stella had done for me was beyond my expectations. Expectations led to disappointments. I didn't want to move into my new house that day, rather I wanted to move in the next day. James was going to help me.

When I got home, I undressed and freshened up. When I was relaxed on my bed, I tried calling Josh but he still wasn't picking up. I missed him.

2 weeks had passed, and I still got no response from Josh. My hope was dying. James had helped me move into my new house, that was already fully furnished. So basically, I just needed to move in with my clothes. When I told Regina the amazing news, she was happy for me. She also told me that she was moving in with her boyfriend. I was proud of her. She had also gotten a proper job. After I left, we kept in touch. Afterall, she was still my friend. I got the best news from James. He had called me and told me that he had secured for me a job in a company, as an accountant. I was over the moon. It only required me wait a month to get start. A month was a long time but I was grateful.

James always made sure to check up on me. He would take me around the city, to the movies or to picnics with his family. I felt really welcomed. Janet loved me as-well, and didn't mind that James was spending a lot of time with me. She was an understanding person. She was even generous enough to go shopping with me. Her and James said that I needed to improve my wardrobe. I had added to the clothes that Mrs Stella had bought me last time. At least, I wouldn't run out of clothes in the future.

POV: Aaron

I know that it had been a while since the party, but I couldn't get Isabel out of my mind. I had not expected myself to have enjoyed the party. The only thing that made that night worth remembering was Isabel. I didn't know how I got hooked so fast. Was that even possible? I needed to see her again. I needed to finish off what I had started at the party, only then would I stop chasing after her. That night shouldn't have ended the way it had.

Isabel was a constant threat to my mind. I pictured her in every girl that came my way. It's like she was irreplaceable. Once I get a taste of her, she'd be history. That was a fact for sure.

POV: Isabel

I was on my way to Regina's place. I was going to pay her a surprise visit, since she had begged me to go visit her for a long time. I didn't even bother to knock. I was so excited to see. When I opened the door and entered, I saw Regina standing on top of her bed, dressed in nothing but her underwear and bra. She was shouting at a bearded guy that had a body covered in tattoos. I stood at the door in horror as, I saw Regina holding a knife in a hand. "I'll kill you!" Regina shouted.

"Let me see you try, bitch!" the man replied.

I was stung with fear. Luckily, the man had not turned back to see me. All I knew was, that was not her bf. I didn't know the guy. What could I do? That was not the welcoming greetings, I was expecting. Why were they threatening each other? I didn't know whether to leave or to help out, in case things got out of hand.

I decided to go call for help, when I opened the door and the man looked behind and saw me. I swallowed hard, as I noticed a gun in his hand. Air left my body for I didn't know what to do next.

"We have a visitor," smiled the man.

I remained silent, as I had my back pressed against the wall. I couldn't run. His bullet will catch me even before I call for help. I didn't want to do anything he didn't like, either.

"Who are you?" he asked.


At that moment, I didn't like the look that he was giving me. He licked his lips, as he smiled at me. "Come over here, princess," he said.


"Isabel, don't!" shouted Regina.

The guy looked back at Regina and she kept her mouth shut. I took one step and the man's smile widened with each step that I took. Regina then jumped off the bed and struck the man in his back with the knife, causing the man to put pressure on the trigger and the gun went off and the bullet hit me.

POV: James

I was at work talking to Aaron about some business matters, when I received a call from an unknown number. Who would be calling me with an unknown number? I excused myself from Aaron and answered the call

On the phone:

"Hello?" I answered.

"Is this James?" asked a female with a broken tone.

By the way she was talking, I could tell that she had been crying. "Is everything okay? Are you alright?"

"Isabel needs you," she cried.

It took me a while to process what she said. Isabel needs me? How?

"Do you mind explaining to me what you mean by, Isabel needs me?"

She then started talking and the news hit me. Isabel needed me! Why had she even left town without informing anyone? I grabbed my coat and rushed out without a word to Aaron, my boss. I hope he could understand after I get back. I had no time to waste. It was a three-hour drive to the hospital. I was so worried. A single bullet could do a lot of harm to someone. I wanted my Bell to be alive, I couldn't lose her. When I got the hospital, I found Regina outside the Emergency Room. Her eyes were red from all the crying. "She's still in there."

"She's going to be fine, Regina. It's not your fault," I told her.

"It is my fault! Isabel had warned me of what I did for a living and I was too stubborn to listen. Now, she's in there because of me."

"This is not the time for blaming yourself about the past. Let's forget the past and look forward to the future. Let's just focus on Isabels' recovery for now."

Hours late, Isabel was out of the ER and taken to her room. I had gone home and had been phoned by Regina. I came back the next day with Janet. When we walked into her room, she was awake. She had a smile on her face, as she was happy to see us. "I am in so much pain," she whined.

"You'll be fine, ok?" I told her.

I was so happy to see her in that condition. We had talked to her doctor and he had revealed that, she had not sustained any serious injuries. So, that meant that her organs were in perfect working condition.

"You'll be staying with us," revealed Janet.


Both Janet and I nodded. We had talked about it and had decided that it would be best if Bell stayed with us. My wife was a doctor and she could talk care of her at home. She was more than happy to do so.

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