Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

POV: Isabel

It was a Saturday morning and Janet had come over to my house. I still couldn't help but think about Aaron and James. I had destroyed a bond. I had gone between their friendship and I wasn't proud of that. Aaron's intention was not to get his way with me but rather to help me out with Josh. Sure, maybe his intention was to get his way with me but, I highly doubt. Even though I didn't now Aaron that much, I was pretty sure his intention was sincere. To be honest, my body language was a bit off if someone had observed me. Talking to someone who had hurt you like Josh had to me, was hard. I was over him but memories of us were still fresh in my mind. It was not easy forgetting someone you loved. Forgetting the memories that you shared. His presence made me feel weak. Aaron just tried to help in the only way he knew best, I guess and that was to kiss me. Whether his intentions were good or not, he had still managed to get me away from Josh. And I was thankful to him for that. Part of me didn't want to believe that he had done what he did to get his way. He was a good guy, maybe. I didn't get time to know him but my gut feeling was never wrong.

On the other hand, I understood why James reacted the way he had. If I was in his shoes, I would've also done the same. James had considered me his little sister and knowing Aaron better than anyone else, he didn't want me to get involved with him. Aaron was labelled as a man whore and I guess, that was the biggest factor of why I couldn't get involved with him. James was right about the consequences of what had happened the next day. Soon, my picture was on all the front covers of magazines. I was titled as 'The other woman', 'Aaron Valerons' next victim', 'Aaron Valeron' new getaway drug' and many others. People had started to pity me, telling me things like, 'You should stop seeing him before it's too late.' Too late for what? I didn't want to judge Aaron for being who he is or was but, I just didn't want to get in the way of their friendship. They had been friends since Aaron was a baby and I couldn't just sit down and pretend that everything was fine.

"Them not talking is really worrying me," revealed Janet.

"Me too."

"They have had countless situations that could've made them to have stop talking, but they didn't. They got stronger every time. I do not get how they stopped talking because of you. I mean (sighing), it's really weird."

"You're making me feel guilty."

"I'm sorry but.... I don't know, this whole thing is getting to me."

How would I get Aaron and James to talk again? Getting them under one roof wasn't hard, their prides were.

I got dressed and went to Aaron's company. Bad timing for me because I found him in a meeting. Meetings took so long and that meant that I had to wait for him to come out. One thing I was good at least, was being a patient person. So, I just went to James's house. He was watching basketball. He loved basketball. When he saw me, a smile lit up his face. "I wasn't expecting you," he revealed.

"Yeah, I wanted to surprise you."

"You should surprise me more often."

I smiled at him. "So, how have you been?" I asked.

"All good, just catching up with ball. How about you?"

I forced a smile and he noticed. I didn't know how he knew what I was going to say next, though. "That name is forbidden in my house," he revealed, even before I could say a word.


"If that's what you came for then, I'm sorry to disappoint your expectations."

"He's truly sorry."

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