Chapter 32

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When I got to James's house, I quickly freshened up and stayed in my room, thinking of what I was going to tell my boss. When I got hungry, I decided to go to the kitchen and on the way, unbelievably...I saw my wallet lying on the floor. I was so happy as I picked it up and went back to the room to drop it on my bed. As I went to the kitchen, I met Janet there. She had finally come back from her night-shift and caught me off guard.

"Hey Isabel!" she said with excitement in her tone.

"Morning," I replied, not looking at her because I didn't want her to see my pink, swollen eyes I didn't go to work anymore.

" Aren't you supposed to be at work?" she asked.

"Yeah but I was late so, I decided to stay home."

"What? No! Go to work, I can even drive you, if u want."

I didn't realise that she was trying to see my face. I made a mistakes by accidentally looking at her and that's when she dropped everything that she was doing and came to me. "What's wrong? Please, tell me the truth."

I just broke down and told her everything. She understood and before she could really get into details, James entered the kitchen. "Here you are!" he said in relief. "I've looked everywhere for you. Why is your phone off?"

Janet explained everything to him and I was left in the kitchen, looking at the bowl of fruit in front of me. When James came back, he just wrapped me in his arms and placed a kiss on my head. "I'm sorry," he whispered.

Later during the day, James went out and bought me a new phone. I still had not reached my boss. James said that he had stopped by my work place but didn't find him there. Gosh, losing my job was the last thing I wanted.

The following day, I went to work. I was feeling so anxious and heavy headed. The previous night, I had not gotten enough sleep and I kept on turning  in the bed. I was just hoping for no one to realise that. I worked iut and distributed the files that I found at my table. That's when Kris came into my office and told me that my boss was looking for me.

As I entered his office, every step I took towards him felt as if I was walking into a deep hole. He only looked up at me and slid a letter towards me when I got to his desk. For a moment, I just looked at the letter. He was busy with some papers to even notice that I was still around.

Wih trembling hands, I took the letter and opened it. I had only read the first sentence before it slipped out of my hands to the floor. A cold breeze swept over me as I felt cold inside. "Sir, I can explain.," I started off.

"Miss Jones, your services are no longer needed in this company."

"B-But sir, what have I done? I've been on my best behaviour and I always do my work. Where's the problem?"

He dropped his pen on the table and looked up at me. "Miss Jones, yes, you are truly good at your job but you lack concentration. Ever since your relationship drama got out into the public, it's one mistake after another. This is a company and we cannot at any cost, risk making mistakes. Especially with money. We have to let you go so that you sort out your life."

"I can change, sir. Please, just give me another chance."

"Miss Jones, we have given you one too many chances already. If you don't mind, please leave my office, clear your desk and evacuate the premises, thank you."

Tears were running down my cheeks as I cleared my desk. Some of my colleagues laughed  in secret as Kris and Linda helped me out. I had already informed my driver to come get me. I wasn't ashamed, just disappointed in myself. I had allowed my personal life to mix with my work life which was my biggest mistake. "I'm going to miss you," revealed Lindas she hugged me.

"I don't want to say goodbye," Kris admitted.

"This is not goodbye guys, maybe it's for the best," I said.

He, too, hugged me and waved me off when I drove off with my driver. It really broke my heart to say goodbye but I expected it. It was my fault and I had to pay the price. When I got home, I went straight to my room and slept off the day. I had already told James everything and I knew that all was going to be fine.


I was disappointed by what Bell had told me concerning her job. She really loved her job. It was the only place where she could do what she loved after so many years of being jobless. She got a job and lost it due to the issues and problems in her life. I told her countlessly that she mustn't take her problems to work but she just wouldn't listen. But I can't blame her. After all, it is in human nature to make mistakes and to learn from them. Oh, how I hoped Bell learns from her mistakes.

Obviously, I will try my level best to help her and I will stop at nothing to do so. Nothing.
I was really worried about Bell. She wasn't in a good place and unlike Aaron, at least she was around people the people that loved and cared for her. She will get through it. I just knew that she would.

And talking of Aaron, it was as if he had disappeared off planet earth. He had not talked to me nor responded to any of my calls. Had I said or done something wrong or was it just part of his healing process? I hope he was getting psychological help for all the problems that he had with human beings.

But even with that aside, I still loved him. All he needed was time and he would come around. He always did at the unexpected moments. All I had to do, was to sit back, relax and at any moment he would be knocking at my door.

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