Chapter 37

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After my amazing date, Ale drive me home. Nothing physical happened, we just talked, laughed a lot and ate. I really enjoyed myself. Upon arriving home, I received the worst news from Mrs Stella.

"I will not work with Aaron!" I stated.

"I want you to use the skills into fixing his company, like you did with mine."

"You're joking right?"

"I'm serious, Isabel. I get your situation but, the way you handled it today when Aaron was here, is the same way I want you to handle it with Aaron at his company. I'm not asking you to talk to him or befriend him. It's strictly business, his empire is my empire,' she explained.

"There are way better skilled people than me, why me? Aaron has run his company very well by himself all those years, why now? If he wants he wants the best, let him go and look for the best. I am not the best, I'm just your assistant," I replied.

"Yes, he ran the company by himself but he did it with me. As I said before, two is better than one. Everyone needs that one person by their side that can lead them to success," she reasoned.

"Exactly! You ran the company with him, then what's stopping you from helping him out?"

"I can't handle stress at my age. I have a lot on my hands, already. That's why I suggested you."

"No, I will not do it. If you want to fire me, be my guest," I responded as I walked away.

"It's strictly business, Bell. At least do it for me!" she shouted.

I went to my room and took out my dress. I took out my suitcase and began packing my stuff. I couldn't work with Aaron. I was just going to save Mrs Stella the stress of having her son and I at each others throats. I'd rather go back to my old job of working at the supermarket than face Aaron everyday. As I was coming out of the shower, I found Mrs Stella sitted on my bed. "Don't worry, I've already packed my stuff," I told her.

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