Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

POV: Janet

Some weeks had passed and we still got no news. I couldn't even concentrate at work because, I was feared the worst of what could happen to her. My colleagues at work, had noticed my sudden behaviour and lack of concentration, I don't know, I guess I had grown too fond of Isabel so much, like she was my daughter. Even if my daughter, Marie, had gone missing, I'll also worry the same way. I wouldn't stop worrying till I was sure that she was okay. She was practically my daughter, even if it wasn't by blood

"I can't sleep, James," I told him, as I sat up on the bed and looked at the watch that read 03:31.

"Me neither," he replied, as he sat up in bed.

Isabel's disappearance had a negative effect on Aaron, as well. I couldn't've been the only one had restless and sleepless nights. I was drinking coffee to keep me awake at work. I was drastically losing weight. I had always wanted to lose some pounds but I had over done it. It was the fact that I had lost her on my account, that had made me feel awful. Josh really got to her. I thought such breakups and disappearances only happened in the movies. Boy, I was wrong.

While I tried to clear my thoughts, I heard the doorbell go off. My head snapped to look at James. For a moment, there was silence. Dead silence that, if a needle fell to the floor, we could hear it.

"Are you expecting anyone?" asked James.

"Yes, I ordered pizza at 3 freaking AM," I sarcastically answered and rolled my eyes.

"Was it so hard to just say no?"

I frowned at him.

Both James and I pulled out our guns from under our pillows. No, it wasn't weird that we slept with guns under our pillows, we were just extra cautious. After all, I was James Bonds' wife, it was a must to have protection nearby. The doorbell went off again and it caused James to get up on his feet. He went downstairs and I followed behind. What if it was my Isabel? I prayed it would be her.

When we got in the living room, James told me to stay behind. He walked to the front door and looked back at me before he looked through the peephole. We made sure to be very quiet so that we wouldn't alarm the person that awaited us. My heart was beating out of my chest. You know that fear that you get when you're married to the world's most wanted bad guy? (James wasn't a bad guy. People just didn't like him because he fought by Aaron's side). Yeah, that was the feeling that had me at the time. Part of me wanted it to be Isabel. Oh, how I would run and wrap my arms around her and never let her go. I wanted it to be her. Please, let it be her and not some assassins or spies.

When I saw James's hand reaching out for the door handle, air left my body as I embraced myself for the worst. Wait, James wasn't stupid enough to open the door for his enemies. Plus, didn't the bad guys always come through the roof or windows or something? I was confused.

When he opened the door, I saw him embracing someone in a black hoodie. I frowned, as I tried to get a better view of them. I was still new to James's world. There was so much to take in. When he pulled away, I saw Isabel's face. I don't even know how it took me seconds to wrap my arms around her. A breath of relief left my body, as I tightened my grip on her.

"Where have you been? Do you have any idea of how worried we were about you? Do you? Where did you even go? Are you okay? Are you hurt? Where are you coming from? You cannot disappear like that, Isabel-----" I stopped when James held my shoulder.

He gave me that 'calm down she's now here' look. I wasn't over reacting! I needed to know where she had slept, if she was okay, what she ate, where she went...I cared!

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