Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

POV: Isabel

James and his wife took me in with open arms. Gosh, they were so compassionate and caring. They had made me their priority. Janet made sure that I was fed, I was well rested, I had taken my medication and had done my exercises. James was the fun type. He made sure that I had activities to do such as, playing video games, going out for a stroll, critical puzzles, board games and swimming. He was yet to teach me basketball.

My relationship with Janet really grew close in that short amount of time. I confided in her for everything. She understood my pain and where I came from. It pretty funny how a person that met a month ago, was better than a person that u met three years ago.

Janet always made me stay outside. She said that it was good for my healthy. I enjoyed being in the garden, surrounded by the lilies and marigolds. I would always go there at night, so that I could stare at the sky. I loved when my thoughts g wondering off into space.

POV: James

Aaron kept asking me of what had happened, that had made me rush out the way I had. I kept insisting that it was nothing, but they guy wouldn't let me breathe. He was like a fly that always came back more determined. I finally gave up and told him what happened. He was bound to find out anyway.

"And that's what happened."

"Why are you only telling me this now?"

"She didn't want anyone but us knowing."

"How is she now? Like, how is her current condition?" he asked.

"She's fine. Janet and I are taking good care of her."

"I was to see her."

I frowned at him. "What?"

"I know what you're thinking and no, I just want to see her. Without her, I wouldn't be alive today."

I didn't like it when Aaron made a point that involved my Bell. I just wanted to protect her. Aaron wasn't a one-woman-man, and I just couldn't allow him to get close to her. She was like a little sister to me and I had made it my responsibility to take care of her. Over my dead body and soul would Aaron end up together with my Bell.

In the end, I agreed and Aaron came home with me.

We found Janet in the kitchen, fixing dinner. I kissed her cheek, as I went into the fridge and took out 2 bottles of cold beer. I had had a long tiring and stressful day and all that I wanted to do, was to sit on the sofa and watch some basketball.

Why did I have a feeling that Aaron was only interested in Isabel because she didn't kiss him? I mean, Aaron was caring and a generous giver, but when it came to females, people weren't all that safe. Something about him wanting to see Bell didn't sit right with me. Red flags were everywhere.

"Aaron, what brings you here, at this late hour?" asked my wife.

"I came to see Bell."

"Hey!" I cut into their conversation. "Only I call her that."

He shook his head. "That's really thoughtful of you," replied Janet to Aaron.

He just smiled.

"She's in the garden."

I led the way, as Aaron followed in pursuit. We found her laying on the bench, admiring the stars. As always. "Bell, I brought you an admirer," I joked.

Her head turned to face us, as she slowly sat up. "Hi James," she smiled.

Drat. She always did that when I failed greet her. Well, I couldn't blame her. We shared a bond that Aaron couldn't come between. Hopefully. I sat down close to her on the bench, really close so that she would feel annoyed and push me away. And she did just that. I got up and looked back at Aaron who looked lost. Dummy.

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