Chapter 30

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As James and I stood at the open door into Aaron's office, no one moved. No since sound was made. I had fallen into a deep state of shock. I felt as if a million needles were poking my heart, my breathing became so warm and heavy. I couldn't believe it. My palms had started to sweat and my legs felt numb. I couldn't...I couldn't look at them any longer.

I walked away.

As I reached the elevator, Aaron called out my name. My body was shaking as I felt hot tears again my cheeks. I managed to look back at him ashe stood meters from me. "Don't come near me," I said.

"I can explain."

Looking at him felt like he was pulling my heart out. It hurt so much! I couldn't come to terms with his betrayal. He stood there looking at me like he was innocent but truly he was just a dog in sheep's clothing. The last time I had hurt like this was when my mom died. I promised myself that I wouldn't hurt like this again. "Please go," I managed to say.

"I can't stand to see you like this."

As soon as the elevator opened I got in. The only time I looked up was to see the doors closing on Aaron's face. I covered my mouth as I cried out loud. James had managed to convince me not to trust my gut. I had put aside my trust issues for him and Aaron...well, he managed to prove me otherwise. I felt like a toilet paper, so used. Left naked to survive. How could Aaron be so cruel? So mean? Was I just for show?


As I stood there looking at a topless Gabriella, deep down I just wanted to smack some sense into her. How could Aaron do that to my Bell?! How? How will I ever face Bell and explain the situation to her? Bell would never believe a word I say about Aaron to her again. At this point, I bet she was even on her way home. I felt her pain. She was hurting and it was just because of Aaron.

I watched as Gabriella wore her top and left his office. I pitied people who lacked self-respect. She was smiling the entire time. If only she was a guy so I could punch that proud smile off her face. I was so disgusted by her presence. She didn't even show an ounce of shame. I couldn't believe Aaron cheated on my Bell with her. He had better taste than that.

I left. Aaron found me on my way out and stopped me. The last person I wanted to see was him. My anger was building up from within and I didn't want to hurt him. I couldn't even look at his face. "James, you've got to believe me. Gabriella set me up. She jumped on me and kissed me. Please believe me," he said.

The last thing I need was for him to touch me. I really wanted to hear him out was all too much to process. My Bell didn't deserve that. I kept on taking in deep breathes to try and collect myself so that I think properly.

As I was walking away, he turned me around and I just ended up knocking him onto the ground. I punched him so hard that he started bleeding. I couldn't stay there and look at him and it'll just infuried me more. So I walked out as the security men helped him.

I went to Bell's house but she had locked the front door. She forgot I had a spare key. I unlocked the door and found her in her room. The door was practically wide open so it wasn't hard to find her. She was basically trying to cry herself to sleep but it wasn't working. She was hurting bad. I sat at the edge of the bed as I tried to comfort her. "James, please go. Please," she cried.

ISABEL (Unedited)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora