Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

POV: James

As I entered Aarons' room, a smile lit up my face. Aaron had awoken from his coma on the day of Bells' discharge. I almost had a heart attack on that day. He wasn't saying much, but at least he was out from his coma. I could finally smile. His mother could finally lighten up, as her son was brought back to her. The heavy dense air that was in the room had left. Our dark days were over.

Aaron was laying on his bed with his eyes open. His mother was at his bed side, with his hand in hers. Happiness was written all over her face.

"Has he spoken?" I asked his mother.

"No," she smiled.

She tightened the grip on his hand. The darkness that had covered my heart was no more. Bell would be so happy.

How I wish I could share my joy with Bell, but she wasn't around nor has I gotten her number. Surely, I will see her again.

A few weeks later, Aaron was discharged. He had started talking and walking on his own. There had been a great significant improvement on his health. I was proud. In the following days, Mrs Stella sent for my presence. When I went to her, she looked up at me and said, "I want to throw Isabel a Thank You party."

I smiled at the idea. "She would love it."

A smile formed on my lips. Bell deserved it. "I need to have a word with her."

I nodded and took my leave. I went to the men that had taken her home on the day of her discharge, and I told them to take me to her house. My men did exactly just that. I couldn't wait to see Bell. I wanted to see her facial expression when she sees me. Her house was two towns away and within an hour or so, we arrived. When the car came to a halt, I looked out the window and saw a small house. I got out of the car, walked to the front door and I knocked. After some time, I got no answer. I knocked again and still......nothing. I looked back at my men and suddenly, the door opened.

In front of me stood a blonde girl, wrapped in nothing but a purple bed sheet. That was definitely not my Bell. Bell was a brunette and I was looking at a blonde.

"Why are you breaking down my door?" she asked, furious.

"My apologies, ma'am, but I'm looking for a girl named Isabel. Is she around?"

Her hair was in a mess and her body odour slapped me across the face. It was dreadful. I took a peek inside her house and saw a man, half naked on the sofa. Her place was in disarray. Clothes, cigarettes and alcohol bottles were everywhere. Was she a pig?

"She's at work," she replied.

"Where does she work if I may ask?"

"At a local supermarket that's down the road, you won't miss it."

"Babe, what's taking so long?" asked a male voice from inside.

Well, that explains why she's wrapped in a bed sheet. "I'm coming, honey!" she shouted.

She looked back at me. "Are we done here?" she asked, annoyed.

I nodded and she slammed the door in my face.


I sighed in relief, as I turned back to face my men. We got into the car and tried to look out for a supermarket that the blondie had mentioned. And she wasn't wrong, we didn't miss it 'cause it was the only one in town.

I went in and looked around and guess who I saw at first sight.....Bell. Even with her back turned against me, I could still identify her. A smile lit up my face, as I walked up to her. "Hey you," I said close to her ear.

She turned to look back and when she saw me, her face glowed up in happiness. as she flew into my arms. "James! What are you doing here? How did you find me?"

"Mrs Stella wants to talk to you and a blondie from your house told us your whereabouts and......I missed you," I smiled at her.

"I missed you, too," she hugged me. "Why does Mrs Stella want to talk to me? Have I done something wrong?"

"Relax, you haven't done anything wrong."

She took a while to reply. "I am busy at the moment."

"We can wait."


"Yes. Nice excuse but you're not getting rid of us that easily."


Hours after her shift had ended, we got into the car and drove home. In the car, I couldn't help but ask about the blondie. "I went to your house," I slowly said.

"Yeah, you mentioned that earlier."

"We met your blonde friend."

"That's my housemate, Regina."

"She's really, uhm...something," I struggled with the words.

"You can save your breath. I know what you're trying to say."

"You do?"

"Yeah. I'm used to it."

"How do you cope?"

"It's called survival. I'm looking for a new job that pays well and hopefully, I'll be out of that house."

"I'll help you out."

"I'd really appreciate that."

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