Chapter 40

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Aaron had no idea how much I missed him. Yes, he explained to me everything of why he had been behaving cold towards me, but that just made me love him more. I didn't know if he had anything to do with all the things that people had been doing for me. It really made me appreciate him more. Kindness was real and he was the perfect example of it. It was very unfortunate that he didn't know about my break-up with Ale. Now, it was just impossible staying under the same roof with him.

Weeks later, Aaron's doctor came by and examined him. Mrs Stella wasn't around, so the doctor asked me to assist him. I stood in there with my hands in my back pockets, as the doctor did his job. Aaron's eyes were fixed on me. As much as it was impossible for me to not notice, I was also guilty of looking at him. At one point, we had made eye contact then, I broke it off by looking away. He had intense eyes and I just couldn't deal with that while the doctor was around.

Since he became free with me, everything just felt right. No awkwardness, no tension...just peace. It felt really nice. "Isabel?" the doctor called out.

"Yes sir?"

"Come over here."

"I need you to take off Aaron's neck brace in the evening. Can you do that?" he asked.

"After dinner?" I asked.

"Yes," he nodded.

I had to ask Aaron first. "Do you mind if I do it?" I asked.

He was caught off guard when I asked. I guess he didn't expect it. "No, I don't mind at all," he smiled.

"Very well then, Aaron, take care," said the doctor as he took his suitcase and left.


I had been long since I saw Aaron. I heard about his incident and I  really didn't know how to react to it. I mean, it came  as a shock and I wasn't even in the country at the time. I missed him but not as much as I missed my Bell. I couldn't wait to see her reaction when she sees my face. I heard that he was putting my Bell through hell, I just hoped that he will be in a good mood when I come over. I aslo heard that my Bell had her heart broken. I guess Ale and her were not meant to be. Well, that was all in the past and I had my fingers crossed that I'd have a blast.

I rang the doorbell and waited for an answer. Soon enough, the door was opened for me by non other than my Bell. She flew into my arms, almost making me fall. She was literally squeezing the life out of me. Wow! She had changed so much, she even gained. My baby was growing up right in front of my eyes and I couldn't help but get emotional. "I missed you so much!" she shouted with joy.

We both couldn't stop smiling. It felt like a reunion. I could jump a building just to show how happy I was seeing my Bell again. As we sat in the living room, she told me everything that happened in her life over some juice. I really hated myself for not being there when she needed me but I was also gled that she handled things like a mature adult. I was mostly happy with the fact that she chose to do the right thing than walk away from apeverything.

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