Chapter 34

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Chapter 34


After I finished presenting, I took a deep breath as I walked to my seat, that was two seats away from where Aaron was. His cologne still managed to find its way to me. Why did he have to smell so good?! I couldn't look at Mrs Stella. I felt so used by her, and she couldn't even tell me that Aaron was going to show, really? Guilt washed over me as I knew that Aaron knew the truth about Scott and I.

"I'm apologise," said Mrs Stella as she spoke in a low tone. "I was not informed of Aaron's presence."

"You didn't know that your son was going to come at the meeting?"I raised an eyebrow in question.

"You know how he is. Unpredictable is his middle name."

I had to sit the meeting for 4 hours, while Aaron's cologne slapped me left, right and center. When he went to present, he didn't look my way, not even once. I didn't know why I was affected by that. It was so visibly clear that he had changed physically. Broader chest, bigger in size and he even grew a beard! He looked so clean and unrecognizable from head to toe. I wonder how I had even managaed to identify him.

After the meeting, Mrs Stella stayed back to talk to Aaron. I went home, got changed and went to James's house. I couldn't just keep it to,o myself that Aaron was back. Maybe James knew the entire time but didn't bother to tell me. But I couldn't assume things, James was a good person.

When I got out from the car, I saw him locking up his house. As he saw me approaching, he shrugged his shoulders as his head fell back. His body language was already telling me that he knew that Aaron was around.

"When did you find out?" I asked, not knowing what else to say.

"I woke up to the news. He texted," he swallowed.

I just stared at him as my thoughts were elsewhere. I still couldn't believe that Aaron was back and that, he spoke to me. Shivers ran through my body as I thought about him. "Are you okay? Did you talk?"

"He has changed, James. "

"A good change?" he asked.

"I can't conclude just yet, you'll have to determine that by yourself as the days go by."

He walked up to me and placed his hand on my shoulder. "I'm proud of you," he smiled.

"Why?" I frowned up at him.

"Because you didn't get emotional about the whole Aaron thing."

I laughed as I realised that he was right. It was weird. I mean, Aaron was not affecting me as he used to before, why? Not like I didn't care was just unusual. I wasn't complaining, though. I was just exhausted, I guess.

The following day, I woke up very early for work because I needed to finish some work and get everything in order. It was a very cold morning but I had no other option. When I entered the company's walls, I instantly began to feel warm. The first place that I went to was Mrs Stella's office. I found her behind her desk, on her laptop. She looked up at me and furrowed her eyebrows together in surprise. "Isabel?"

I smiled as I walked closer to her desk. "Morning ma'am," I said.

"What are you doing here?"

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