Low All Afternoon

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Tim POV:
I'm not completely sure that the front desk clerk believed I'm Faith's brother but hey it got me her room number. Now to get her to talk to me somehow. I don't see that being as easy as I hope. I quickly made my way to the elevator and up to the floor her room was on. Once I found her room I stood outside it for a good 10 minutes trying to get the nerve up to knock and to figure out what to say if she opened. I stood there for a few minutes after knocking praying that the door was going to open. With a sigh I turned and started walking back towards the elevator, guess I'll just try and talk to her tomorrow before we present.

Faith POV:
I was laying on my side looking out the window replaying the past few hours and wondering how stupid I could've been, guess I'm just meant to be with my girls the rest of my life.
"Mom, you awake?" I heard Audrey ask softly before she walked into the room and sat down on the side of the bed. "I brought you some tea"
"Thanks baby girl" I said sitting up against the headboard and grabbing the cup from her hand. "Where's your sister?"
"She's grabbing some stuff to drink and some popcorn" she said while placing the laptop in the middle of the bed.
"I've got lemonade for Audrey and I, and some tequila from the mini bar for you, and a nice big bowl of popcorn" Gracie said walking into the room with everything and sitting down on the other side of me.
"I love you girls so much. You're the best thing that ever happened to me" I said pulling them into me.
"I love you too" They said at the same time. Spending time with my girls is exactly what I needed after an awful afternoon.

Gracie POV:
It didn't take long until mom fell asleep during the movie and the few sips of tequila she took. Audrey and I slowly got off the bed and grabbed the empty cups and bowls.
"Do you think I should text Jason and let him know he might have ms. Cranky pants on his hands tomorrow and that there will probably be lots of tension?" I asked as we walked into the kitchen.
"That might be a good idea since he doesn't like being blindsided, like that time in Milan" she said while dumping the remaining popcorn kernels out.
"We're gonna have to keep a close eye on her tomorrow" I said starting to text Jason.
"I know. I feel like we're partly to blame for getting her hopes up about him"
"We didn't know he had a girlfriend. Nothing posted about him recently indicated that he had one. We can't blame ourselves" I said giving her a hug, even though I felt the exact same way.

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