It's Gonna Be Fine

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Next weekend
Faith POV
"Tim it isn't gonna be that bad. The girls are just exaggerating" I said as we got off the plane in Jackson.
"Faith, I have a feeling they aren't!"
"Steven and Wesley might give you the worst of it. My dad might be a little more intimidating than my mom but they aren't gonna like throw you on the train tracks and make you do circus tricks to prove you care about me. I think they're done having me around train tracks" I said with a laugh as we got into the rental car.
"Well gee thanks for clearing that up" he said rolling his eyes as I programmed the gps.
"It's gonna be fine babe" I said putting his leg and kissing his cheek as he started to follow the directions.

A few hours later
"Just breathe babe. The girls are going in there now to butter them up and put them in a good mood." I said as the girls got out of the car and ran into the house.
"What if they don't like me? My mom loved you right off the bat"
"Look, they're gonna be a little intimidating but you'll be able to handle it. Think of it like your going into a meeting to talk about how much you love a song"
"Cmon let's go" I said kissing him and wiping some lip gloss off of his lips before getting out of the car. "It's gonna be fine. I'm gonna be right next to you as much as I can." I said while grabbing his hand and walking to the door. "You ready?" I asked before opening the door.
"I'm ready" he said taking a deep breath and squeezing my hand.
"Then let's do this thing" I said squeezing his hand back and opening the door with my other hand.

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