You'll Love Her

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Faith POV
"I mean yeah. It's been 3 months, I met the minions after like one day. Plus I was thinking maybe this weekend y'all could meet my mom." I went into shock as Tim said that. I was not expecting this trip to be a meet the family trip.
"I didn't really pack anything suitable for meeting her and don't really have time to go shopping" I said hoping to postpone it.
"Trust me it won't matter to her what you're wearing. She just really wants to meet you" He said as we got out of the car. "She's not scary. You'll love her and she's gonna love you"
"Ok" I said giving in, knowing there was no way I was getting out of it happening tonight.
"It's gonna be fine baby" he said grabbing my waist and kissing me. 
"I know it's just the last time I did the whole 'meet the parents' thing was almost 20 years ago"
"You just gotta be yourself. As long as you aren't a psycho murderer my mom's gonna love you" He said as we walked into his house. "I'm gonna go call her while you and the girls get all settled"
I walked out onto the patio and dialed my mom's number.
"Hi honey"
"Hi mom, are you busy tonight?"
"I was just gonna catch up on some tv I've missed. Why? Is everything ok?" She asked starting to get nervous.
"Everything's Fine. It's just Faith and her girls are here for the weekend and I was hoping you would come over for dinner and meet them."
"I'd love to! I'll see you in a little while. I love you"
"Love you too mom" I said before hanging up. I cant wait for her to meet Faith and the girls.

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