This Is Tim

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Faith POV
I heard a knock on the door and made my way from the table the girls were sitting at, briefly stopping at the mirror in the hallway. I guess it's better he sees me in sweats and a messy bun sooner than later. I opened the door with a smile.
"Hey, I was wondering what was taking you so long but I see you made a pit stop. Want me to take them?" I asked motioning towards the cupcakes.
"Nah, I got it. I felt bad that I wasn't bringing anything, plus cupcakes make everything better" He said walking into the suite as I opened the door for him to come in.
"Gracie and Audrey are hopefully deciding on what they want to order" I said rolling my eyes "you can put them down right there" I said pointing to a table where he could put the cupcakes down. I suddenly started to get nervous over the fact of him finally meeting the girls.
"Alright" He said walking over to the table and putting them down.
"MOM! Tell Audrey to hurry up and pick something!" Gracie called out.
"Ready to meet some feisty teenager girls?" I asked turning towards him.
"If they're anything like you, it should be a walk in the park" he said smiling at me.
"Ok" I said taking a deep breath before walking over to where the girls were sitting. "Gracie, Audrey, this is Tim" I said as confidentially as possible while the girls looked at each other.

Audrey POV
As mom walked away to answer the door I turned towards Gracie.
"She's nervous, like more nervous than the first show of New York fashion week"
"I know. I think because he's meeting us and we mean the world to her. Plus it'll crush her if we don't approve."
"Do we bring up that you saw him at the door yesterday?" I asked curiously.
"No! We keep that to ourselves and use it as blackmail." Gracie said putting her foot down about it.
"Is it just me or are they taking awhile?" I asked as my stomach growled.
"I got this. MOM, tell Audrey to hurry up and pick something!"
"Seriously?" I asked raiding an eyebrow at her.
"You hear footsteps don't you?" She asked with a satisfied smirk. I was about to reply but was cut off by mom.
"Gracie, Audrey, this is Tim" I looked over at Gracie and she looked back over at me, both wondering what to say.

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