After Show Ritual

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Faith POV
"Ok so good should be up in like half and hour" I said walking back towards Tim and the girls. "Tell me they didn't give you too much of a hard time. Did they?" I asked coming up besides Tim while glancing over at the girls who were deep in conversation about something.
"Nah, they were fine. Threatened me just enough. I'm actually not sure what's more intimidating, meeting a girl's parents or her children" He said with a nervous laugh, rubbing the back of his neck.
"We aren't THAT bad" Gracie said protesting
"Just wait till you meet Nana and Grampy" Audrey said looking over at him.
"Audrey they aren't that bad" I said rolling my eyes, trying not to scare Tim.
"Were you not at Christmas with the rest of us when Uncle Wes brought Caitlin home to meet Nana and Grampy, and Nana basically turned into a FBI agent" Gracie asked confused
"How bout we watch a movie while we wait for the food" I offered hoping to redirect the conversation. It's way too soon for the meet the parents talk.
"Fine with me" Tim said shrugging "What'd you have in mind?"
"MOM! We have to keep the ritual going!!" Audrey nearly yells before I could answer him.
"We aren't going to break the ritual. The mud masks are just going to have to wait till later" I said trying to calm her down.
"Care to clue a guy in?" Tim asked confused as there was a knock on the door.
"After any show mom has done, whether it be a fashion show or an award show or anything like that, we always do a mud mask and watch either legally blonde, beauty and the beast, the little mermaid, the proposal or the most recent addition to the after show movie party; just go with it." Gracie explained
"So it's kind of your choice of what chick flick you wanna watch" Audrey said as I walked back into the room with the food.

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