chapter 18

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Sodas POV

Take my hand, take my whole life too...

I find myself humming along to Y/n's singing.  She was better than she gave herself credit for.

"Whatcha doing?" Two-Bit walks in.

I hadn't heard the door open, the gang went out to buy breakfast considering the fact that they had woken Y/n up.

I toss the magazine I was flipping through onto the table. I didn't read, but I was trying to pick up on it because of how much Y/n reads. When shes not with us shes upstairs with her nose stuck in a book, sometimes she would read to me.


"Is that Y/n?" Johnny asks.

Everyone stops and listens, you could hear her faint singing.

"Wow, she sure is something ain't she." Dally says smirking,  "maybe I'll take her out sometime."

"What makes you think she would wanna go out with you." I snap back unable to contain myself.

"Well she ain't seeing anyone so I don't see why not."

"I just don't think you should ask her out." I shrug a jealous monster growing inside of me.

"Oh yeah? Give me one good reason why." Dally scoffs.

"Because I love her!" I shout leaping off the sofa.

Everyone just looks at me, then a grin breaks out across Ponyboy's face and he runs over throwing his arms around me.

"Do you mean it?" He looks up at me with hopeful eyes.

"Yeah, I think I do." I chuckle pushing his hair back.

"Well good because we all really like her." Steve chuckles.

"Im glad you're finally over Sandy." Two-Bit smiles then Steve elbows him in the ribs.

Sandy. I had forgotten all about her. Sure I missed her sometimes but now that I have Y/n things are different.

"Its fine. Really I'm over her." I smile softly.

"Hey knuckle heads breakfast better be ready!" Y/n shouts down the stairs.

"Hurry up its getting cold!" Pony calls back.

"Mind if we keep the whole love thing between us." I rub the back of my neck a little embarrassed.

"Course Soda." Ponyboy hugs me tighter.

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