chapter 44

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Your POV

Soda was right. I did end up hearing an earful from Darry. He didn't yell or scream but instead just went on about how I really should have waited in the hospital until I felt better. But I felt fine. Aside from when I stand to long and get dizzy.

I was currently getting a ride to the hospital to visit Johnny. They would let me see him whether they liked it or not.

"Do you want me to go in with you?" Soda pulls into the parking lot and looks at me.

"Yeah. I do." I try to smile.

He takes my hand and leads me inside. We stop at the front desk and ring the bell that sits on top. An older lady comes in from a backroom, she had a permanent scowel on her face.

"Hello. How can I help you?" She sounded miserable.

"I'm here to visit someone."


"Johnathan Cade."

She types something into the computer then adjusts her thick rimmed glasses.

"Sorry dear but you can't visit him at this time. Come back in a few weeks then we'll see." She said not sounding sorry at all. "Next." She calls but I don't move.

"But.. I need to see him."

"Sorry dear, next!" She calls again.

"Please! I'm his sister, I need to see him." I choke out.

"Just let the kid see her brother!" Someone shouts from the waiting room.

She huffs and rolls her eyes. She drops a clip board full of papers in front of me.

"Fill these out."

I sit in a chair and Soda sits beside me. I fill out all the questions and return the clipboard to the desk.

"Down the hall, to the left and it should be the 7th room." The receptionist says in her dull tone.

"Thanks." I turn and walk in down the hall but stop short when Soda says my name.

"I'm gonna wait here okay." He smiles and sits in the closest chair.

I walk back down the hall way and turn left. I get down his hall and count the doors.

1.. 2.. 3.. 4.. 5.. 6.. 7.

I stop outside his door.

Just breath.

Inhale. Hold. Exhale.


I push the door open and step inside.



Just letting you know I will not be updating any stories tomorrow! I am super busy.

~Stay Gold bitches

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