Nct u- dorm roomates

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(Taeyong's p.o.v)

"Yah~~so much space!" I say to myself as I look around my new dorm. I've just gotten into college while my home is a town away! But be thankful since I got the best education In town. I put my boxes down, and keep looking around the room. 7 beds? Why do I need 7 beds? Maybe because I have more dorm partners? Eh, who cares. I unpack my things out of my box and put them in order. I put my action figures on the shelf, put on my bedding, out my clothes in the closet, and that's basically it.

Only took half an hour, and I though it would take 1-2 hours. I sigh, and flop down on my bed. Maybe I should go eat? I'm a little hungry so I go to the kitchen. I get my ramen from my backpack that I packed in there. I put some water in the container and then put it into the microwave. I wait for a few seconds, then I get a phone call. I get my phone out of my pocket and forgot to check the caller. "Anyeonghaseo?" I say. "HYUNG! HOWS IT LIKE AT THE COLLEGE? IS IT BIG! DOES IT LOOK FUN!" Chenle screams through the phone. "Dongsaeng! Lower your voice, please!" I yell back. "Sorry hyung. You got any dorm mates?" He asks another question. "No...not yet. I bet they'll come here later" I reply.

The microwave beeps and I get out the ramen. I grab my chopsticks and head over to my bed. "Come visit mom and I every month, okay?" He whines. "Yes chenle, I totally promise" I say with my mouth full. "Alright hyung, I'll let you eat. Bye bye!" He hangs up. I shut down my phone and keep eating my ramen. A few seconds later, someone keeps ringing the door bell. "Hold on!" I say. I put my ramen on the desk next to my bed, and go up to the door. I unlock to the door and I see a blonde dude who looks like a foreigner. "HELLO ROOMMATE!" He yells. " your my roommate also?" I say. "Duh! Do you see these boxes in my hand?" He sasses me. "Watch your sass mister" I point at him. "Cranky much" he pouts under his breathe.

He looks around the room, and his eyes widened. "I CALL TOP BUNK!" He yells again. He puts his boxes down and climbs up the ladder that leads to the top bunk. " cozy!" He sighs. "Soo....what's your name?" I ask. "Lucas. A beautiful blessing name, isn't it!" He flips his imaginary hair. "Y-Yeah...," I say confused. "What about you, red head? Wait, let me guess your name! Oh, you totally look like a......chad!" He laughs. "Chad? Wrong, but I'm Taeyong" I correct him. "Eh, at least I tried" He sighs. We hear two other voices come in our dorm. "You don't understand mark! Someday, my vroom vroom talk show will go viral!" The purple haired said. "Doyoung-Ah! Your making up stuff!" He yells back. "Yah! Be nice to your hyung" he talks back.

I purposely cough to get there attention. They both look at me and Lucas. "Oh hello! I'm Doyoung and this is mark. We're also your dorm mates" he smiles. "Yello!" Mark replies. "Oh, ramen! Can I have some?" Mark asks. "Go crazy" I sigh. "Do you know anyone else who's coming?" Doyoung asks. "Oh, I do! My friend Sicheng is also coming soon!" Lucas smiles. "You all are so talkative. I call bottom bunk" another dorm mate plops his bag next to the bed The he flops down on the bed and sleeps strait away. "Uhmmm....who are you?" I ask. "Jaehyun. Simple. Let me sleep" he quickly replies. Ok, I'm totally flustered now. Each one of them come in one by one! This is totally gonna be confusing.

"C-can someone help me with these boxes?" The grayed hair one entered. Lucas comes down the bed, while mark and him help the guy out. They but it next to the other boxes and thank them. "Anyeong! I'm Jungwoo!" He seemed very innocent. "Hi. I'm Taeyong. This is jaehyun, Mark, Doyoung, and Lucas. We're just waiting on one more person" I explain. "How long is that person gonna take?" He asks. "Yeah LUCAS! How long is he gonna take?" Doyoung sassed. "Shut up Doyoung. He's coming soon!" He yells back.

(An hour later)

We all had nothing to do and were just lying down on our beds.....waiting for this last person. "Jesus Christ! Is your imaginary friend gonna show up any sooner?" Jaehyun hissed. "I told you he's coming soon! He's from another country!" He explains. "Like what? Disney land?" Mark laughs at his own joke. We just watch him laugh at his sad joke.....then the doorbell rung. "SICHENG!!!!!" Lucas yells out. He climbs down the latter and runs to the door. We gather around behind Lucas to see if it was actually this 'sicheng' guy he was talking about. And surprisingly, it was actually a dude and not a imaginary friend. He had blonde hair like Lucas and carrying a backpack on him.

"Sorry if I'm late! I had to take a plane that was from China to Korea to get here!" He laughs nervously. "Cool~~~I've never met a foreigner!" Doyoung admires him. "HELLO! YOU GOT A CANADIAN RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU, HYUNG!" Mark yells. "Eh...same English speaker though" he pats his back. Mark was literally fuming and couldn't hold it in anymore. He pushed him onto my bed and started to kick and choke him while the others were trying to break the two apart.

I sigh and nod my head. So.....I'll be spending 2 years with a Chinese dude, a sleepy head, a guy who thinks his 'vroom vroom' talk show will be popular someday, a Canadian with anger issues, and just one weird and loud Chinese and Thai dude. This is gonna be fun.....but painfully tiring. Thank you universe for putting me with these six idiots.......

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