Nct 127- family

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*3rd person p.o.v*

"Alright kids...gather around. YUTA, DO NOT SWALLOW THAT CRAYON! Taeyong, would you get that crayon out of yuta's mouth?" Taeil sighs as he tries to gather around 8 of his children. Apparently he wanted a girl but he was pissed when he got 8 boys....and non were girls.....well, Haechan was almost a girl like but....ok back to the kids-

The oldest was Taeyong of course 7 years old. Johnny was the second youngest...followed by Yuta, Doyoung, jaehyun, sicheng, mark, then Haechan. "What do you want to talk about with us, daddy?" Jaehyun asks. "Well.....I was actually wondering if sicheng mark and Haechan would be ready for school? How does that sound to you guys?" Taeil asks.

"Yay! They get to come to my school!" Taeyong squeezes Haechan's cheeks, then Haechan kept making this demonic sound in front of Taeyong. "Umm.....daddy.....Haechan is acting weird!" Mark pointed at him. "That's because he's Haechan, sweetie." He shakes his head. "Will there be any potatoes there?" Sicheng asks. "Potatoes? Umm....there's no potatoes in elementary school, sicheng..." Taeil laughs. "Oh..." sicheng pouts.

"Yeah! We're totally ready for school, daddy!" Mark smiles. "Alright! Everyone is settled! Now what do you guys want for dinner? Chicken nuggets or mac'n Cheese?" He asks. "Wait a minute! Is the chicken nuggets the dinosaur shaped ones?" Doyoung asks. "Umm....Yes" he replies. "Well, what about the macaroni? does it have those silly faces?" Johnny asks, "yes, they do" Taeil smiles.

"Can we have both, pleaassseee?" Yuta whines. "Are you sure? you just had a crayon stuck down your throat.....Pabo" Taeyong rolls his eyes. "What did you call your brother?" Taeil asks. "U-uh....taco!" He laughs nervously. Taeil laughs and shakes his head. Since the kids want both...he gave them both.

He was a single parent since his wife died in a car crash....but he knew every need of the 8 kids he took care of. Everyone gathered around the table while Taeil served each of the mac'n cheese and chicken nuggets to each kid. "Will Haechan make friends in preschool? I mean, look at him! he literally bit the dinosaurs head off of the chicken nugget!" Jaehyun whispered to Taeil.

"Um....I don't either know myself, jaehyun" Taeil was kinda scared since there was kinda something weird about Haechan. Maybe because of all of those tv shows and horror movies he'd watched.

After dinner, the kids went strait to bed. Each one of them brushed their teeth, and waited for their dad to tuck them in. The bigger kids shared a room, which was Taeyong, Johnny, Yuta, and Doyoung. The younger ones also shared a room, which was jaehyun, sicheng, mark, and Haechan.


"Hey Taeyong?" Johnny asks. "Yes?" He replies. "Do you have any friends in school?" He asks. "I have a few. But I mostly spend my time coloring" He replies. "At least you don't color with black and red crayons" Doyoung shot a glare a Yuta. "Well it's not my fault I like dark colors!" He hissed.

"Guys, stop. Let's just wait for daddy to tuck us in" Taeyong explains. Yes, Taeyong did get along with a few kids he were really close too......but not as close to his brothers. Johnny, on the other hand....was very clingy to Taeyong and hardly talked to anybody. Thank goodness he was the teachers favorite.

Doyoung would be that boy who would answer every question correct....then brag about it. Yuta......he was a Minnie rebel. When the teachers gave out coloring sheets, he always draw the colors "black and red" since he thought it looked pretty cool...but to other kids, it seemed creepy.

The door opened to reveal Taeil tucking in each of the kids. "Night night Taeyong" he said and gave a kiss on his forehead. "Night night Johnny" he did the same with Taeyong. He also did the same thing to Doyoung and Yuta.

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