Taeil- flowers

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You should definitely watch the lyrics of bts "the truth untold" which explains this whole story. Enjoy!!!!

*taeils p.o.v*

When I was a little kid....I didn't care about my appearance. I explored all over the town when I was little, and nobody seemed to recognize me. But things went down hill when I grew up. As I got older.....people saw me as 'ugly'. They called me names like 'troll' or 'unwanted creature' which lowered my self esteem. One day....I was walking around the town with my cloak on so nobody could see my face. I walked into a shop to buy some seeds I could plant in my garden.

I went up to the cashier and paid for them. He looked kind of frightened....but I really didn't care. The only times I care when people see my face and tell me to get out of town. I was hurt so much by that. So I decided to stay in my castle where I was hidden.....and everyone thought I actually left the town. At the same time.....I was happy and lonely in my castle. No one there with me.....not even my parents, since they died in a storm.

The only happiness that I can enjoy is planting flowers. The most beautiful thing on earth are every kind of flower. They mean so much to me.....and I don't know what I would do without these flowers. I planted my new seeds in the garden and waited a few weeks until they have finally grown. One night....I couldn't stop thinking about my flowers, so I looked out my balcony to see how they were doing. I look down on my garden, and see a mysterious figure jumping over my fence full of thorns and vines. My eyes widened, but I still kept watching....and did nothing.

The figure had a cloak on...,while carrying a basket. The figure took off the hood of the cloak to reveal her beautiful face. That was the most precious, and beautiful human being I've seen in my whole life. More beautiful than my flowers. She had long black hair with cherry red lips and pail skin. I was amazed and kept daydreaming about her beauty. But I did realize she had stolen some of my flowers, which angered me also.

She took the roses, poppies, violets, and tulips. She put them in her basket and put on her hood. She climbed up the wall of vines and thorns....then ran away. I quickly rush to my garden to see what she had left behind. I look all around the garden, but I felt like I've stepped on some medal or silver. I look down at my foot and take a step back. I crouch down to see a silver ring that she had left behind. Y/n. Unique name....but charming. I put it on my ring finger and get back in the castle.

This has been going on for several nights. From now on, I decided to stay in the garden to see if she'll show up. I accidentally fell asleep on some nights....so I missed her appearance. Every night...I would still see the same black raven haired girl with cherry red lips and pail skin. I always wondered if I could have get to known her better, than just watch her steal my flowers from my garden. But it was for thoughtfulness. I was walking around town again in my cloak so nobody could see my face.....and found the girl who stole my flowers.....selling it to people.

I was shocked....but felt bad. After work hours, she counted all the money she made each day. She only made about 6-7 dollars a day.....and that's why she kept stealing my flowers. I wanted to help and reach out to her.....but if she sees my face, she may never come back to my garden again. That's when I had an idea. I quickly rushed back to my castle and picked a petal from each flower. I wanted to make a flower nobody has heard of before. I was doing all of this for her.

It took me days....weeks....and months until my flowers, nobody has heard of, were planted in my garden. I waited each night for her again.....but she didn't show up. The first night, she wasn't there, the second night, she wasn't there, and this kept going on for a month. I kept praying to see her in my garden again.....but god hasn't replied to my request. I finally gave up after a month, and went back inside my castle. Maybe she has plenty of flowers now?

The next day....I went back to her shop, and saw a different lady selling flowers. I heard the conversation between the customer and the lady. "What happened to the beautiful, young lady who sold flowers here?" She asked. "That beautiful young lady was my daughter......but she suffered from a threatening illness. She......she didn't make it. She passed away. Every night there's a star shining so bright.....it reminds me of her" the lady explains. I was speechless. Tears formed in my eyes.

I ran back to my castle, and shut out everyone. I locked the doors, the windows, and I prevented myself from going in the garden ever again. I always look out the garden......because it reminds me of her.........and those flowers nobody has heard of, were meant for her........

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