Doyoung- make me remember

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'I wanna be a Goodman, just for you. I gave you the world just for you. I change everything just for you......'

'But I don't know me.......who are you?'

"Remember this picture of us when we went to jeju island?" I explain. "I'm sorry....but I don't remember" she lowers her head. "It's don't have to remember" I sigh.
Y/n got into a car crash a week ago and she remembered nothing in our relationship. It kinda hurt me since she doesn't remember she loves me.

I check the time and it was already midnight. "I should go now. Remember to sleep good, okay?" I force a smile. "Okay..." she smiles back. I can tell she wasn't getting used to me and she actually thought I was a stranger to her. If she never gets back her memory.....then she's actually gone....

*your p.o.v*

"Remember, please!" I try to remember everything me and Doyoung did. I knew he was telling the truth since I saw all the pictures of me and him together. I imagine how much pain he is in right now...and it's all my fault. The only thing I remember is getting into a car crash and that's it.

I sigh and turn off the light next to me. I wrap my blanket around me and try to fall asleep....but I really couldn't since I was trying to remember all the stuff. Suddenly, my head started hurting. "Ah! Shit, why does it hurt so much!" I yell in pain.


"Babe, take a picture of me!" I say while Doyoung angles the camera. "Okay! On the count of three! 1......2......3!" The camera clicks. The picture printed out after. Doyoung smiles as he saw me in the picture. "Let's take another one, together!" He explains. "Okay!" I smile. He runs up to me and we both smile at the camera.

The beeping sound went off and there was a flash in our face. The picture printed out and we both got to see it. "Yah! Pretty!" He squeezed my cheek. "Yah~~" I pull his hand away and laugh. "Sorry....but you really are pretty!" He kept looking at the picture "let me have it!" I took it out of his hand and smile. He smiles back and kisses me on the cheek.....

*end of flashback*

I was frozen and shocked. "What the....." I say. I pick up the picture from my desk and look at it. "I remember it! I remember it!" I smile to myself. I think I knew were Doyoung put more of those pictures. He hid it under my bed. I went under my bed to get the pictures out for me to see them. So many memories we had.....

I studied and looked at the pictures for hours. I looked at the time, and it was 1:30 in the morning. Just thirty more minutes. I wanted to remember my eyes felt heavy and I collapsed back on the bed....

*when your dreaming*


"Well....I'm y/n"
"Happy birthday!" He held the cake in front of me

"Your the greatest boyfriend" I blew out the candles and smiled
"That one looks like an ice cream" he pointed at the stars.

"I think it looks like a cactus" I laugh
"Doyoung!" I call out for him in my car.

"I'm coming, my love!" He smiles.
Sirens and ambulances rush up to the middle of the road and put her body in the ambulance. Her boyfriend was right next to her all the time.

"Y/n.....y/n...don't loose me, now! I-I.....

I love you...."

*end of dreaming*

I woke up with a sore headache and wondered why Doyoung wasn't next to me. I went to the kitchen to grab some pills for my headache. I checked the living room, and bathroom, but he wasn't there. I shrug and drink down the two pills with my glass of water. I sigh and smile. I grab a bowl, spoon, milk, and cereal for breakfast. Once I was done pouring the milk and cereal in, I went to the living room and sat down on the sofa.

I turned on the tv and started to eat away. I look at the coffee table in front of me to see my phone. "I wonder were he is" I ask myself. I didn't care anyways and decided to call him. Was he at the dorm with the guys. But they don't practice on saturdays! I go to his contacts and call him.


"Jagi! We're are you!"

"Wait......what did you just call me?"


"What other things do you call me?"

"Babe, bunny, cutie, and much more?"

"Wait! you have your memory back!"

"Of course I've always had my memory! Idiot"

"Stay were you are! I'm coming!"

He hanged up after and I was a little confused. "What's wrong with him?" I say to myself and kept eating my cereal.

*10 minutes later*

"Y/n, open up!" I heard a knock on the door. "Alright! I said with my mouth full. I swallowed my cereal before opening the door since I didn't want to look like a pig. I open up the door and Doyoung instantly twirls me into the air then hugged me. He looked at me then kissed me in the lips. I smile and kiss back.

He let's go of the kiss and makes a weird face. "What? Do I have milk on my lips?" I ask. "Did you eat fruit loops?" He asks. "Um...yeah" I cheekily smile. "Ah, it's good to have you back!" He kisses me all over my face. "Yah Yah! What do you mean 'it's good to have me back'?" I ask. "Oh yeah.....we'll.....r-remember that car crash you were in a week ago?" He asks. "Um......YEAH YEAH!" My eyes widened.

" let your memory for a week...." he lowers his head. "Did I? Oh least I've regained my memory" I shrug. He laughs and keeps hugging me. I let him hug me and Lay my head on his chest......

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