Mark- Dear brother

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Dear brother,

I know we go through a lot of stuff.....but we're in this together. You've been with me since I was born. Sure...a lot of siblings hate each other......but I adore you as a big brother. Your my role model. Your brave, smart, nice, and kind. Why can't our parents see that about you....thinking that your a trouble maker?

Promise me.....we always have to stick together until we die...


I shut my diary close and hear my big brother getting beaten in the other room. I quietly cry and lock my door shut. I go into my closet and cover my ears and eyes so I can't hear or remember anything. He used to sing me a song that helped me to go to sleep when I was younger.

Fall asleep, dream peacefully~

A wonderland full of happiness~~

When you wake up.....

I'll be right there for you~~

I kept repeating those same lyrics over and over again until I actually fell asleep in my closet.

*an hour later*

"Y/n-Ah! Are you in there?" I heard a soft voice outside of the closet. I woke up and rubbed my eyes. I remember what happened in the other roomed and stayed dead quiet since I didn't know who it was. "Y/'s me, mark" he says. My eyes widened and I slowly open the closet door. I felt my eyes were still red and puffy from all that crying.

I look up at his face and see a bruise on his corner of his lip and a black eye. I look down at his arm to see too many cuts. I almost teared up again. "Mark-Ah..." I cried in his arms. "I'm okay....I'm okay" he rubbed my back. "I could of at least done something" I cried harder. "No....I had to handle it alone. You shouldn't be involved in that" he sighed. "But I don't do anything for you" I hug him tighter.

"I'm strong and brave. You can do the same" he softly smiles and looks up at me. "C-can you stay I-in here for a w-while?" I stutter. "Of course. Do you think I'll go back out there?" He laughs. "Wait! I'll go treat your wounds!" I got up and went to my bathroom to get my first aid kit. I went back to him and sit him on my bed. "Dad also cut you?" I ask. "Yup.....he even prepared a knife..." he looked away.

I hold back my tears by blinking them away so I didn't look like a crybaby. I wrap up his cuts and care for his bruises after. "You hungry?" I ask. "No....I have no appetite." He frowns. His eyes widened since it looked like he remembered something. "Your turning 14 tomorrow" he smiles brightly. "I honestly don't care" I smile. "Come on! I'll even buy you a cake tomorrow!" He smiles. "I prefer a cupcake" I laugh. "Ok! Cupcake!" He laughs.

It was getting pretty late so I let him sleep on my bed like any other night. He hardly ever goes to his bedroom anymore. Maybe he's so traumatized since he remembers being beaten in there. Not to mention the blood stains, too. I grab my diary under my pillow and take out my pen.

Dear brother,

I need you.......

Three simple words. Those are the words that I need from mark. I just need a big brother to stay by my side. I need a big brother to protect me. I need a big brother to love me.

*next morning*

I was in class just doodling in my notebook while looking at the grey, cloudy sky. I loved cloudy days. I love gloomy, cloudy, and dark days. It feels more comforting than the bright sun shining on your face. The bell rang and we all got up. I shove my book in my backpack and went back to the hallways. I was going to my locker when I bumped into Mark. "Oh hey mark!" I widely smile. "O-oh....hey" he forces a smile.

He's sweating. He looks pail. Is he about to collapse? "Are you ok? you need to go to the nurse?" I ask. "Nope...I'm totally fine" he put his hand on the locker for support. I let him go after and watch him walk to his next class, weak. "I could've done something" I bite my lip trying to cry. I walk away after and go to my next class.

*marks p.o.v*

It was the end of the school day and I decided to call y/n.

"Meet me at the bakery and wait outside"


I hang up after but hold onto my chest since my heart stopped beating for a minute. I've never told anyone about my health.....including y/n. I've always had a weak heart....ever since I was a kid. I tried to hide it to make others happy and not worry about me. That's what I'm doing for y/n.

I walk over to the bakery to get y/n her cupcake that she wanted for her birthday. I enter the shop and look at all the deserts they have. "Um...may I get one cupcake?" I ask. "Sure" she replies. She hands me a vanilla cupcake with pink frosting. "May I also have a candle, too?" I ask. She nods in response and gives me a pink candle.

I give her my money and sit down outside we're there was a table. I just have to wait patiently for y/n.......but I can feel my heartbeat getting slower.....

*10 minutes later/your p.o.v*

I was walking to the bakery when I noticed a figure on the ground. I walk up to the figure......and it was a body. I turn it around so I could see its face. "Mark?" I ask. There was no reply. Dead silence filled the air. "Mark! Mark, wake up! Don't play with me!" I yell. I check his pulse....and I was frozen.

There was no pulse.

"Mark! Someone, please help my brother!" I cry out. There were people watching me, yelling while holding my brother in my arms. "Somebody please help him!" I cry. I look up at the table to see a cupcake with a lit candle. I cried more and held the cupcake in my hand. "Thank you..." I silently cry and kissed his cheek. His eyes were closed while his face looked really pale.

I looked back at the cupcake.

I blew out the candle.

I made a wish.

I want him back.....

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