Nct u- zombies

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*taeyong's p.o.v*

Of course, me and the boys were in the most boring class of all.....English. Stupid teacher......I wish he'd stop talking. As I lay my head on my hand, Doyoung pokes my shoulder and covered his mouth so he couldn't laugh. "What?" I ask. He hands me a note and I open it up to see a fat and ugly Mr. Park that mark drew. I cover my mouth and quietly laugh with Doyoung. "Doyoung, Taeyong, Stop the nonsense! And what is that in your hand?" Mr. Park asks. Shit....I'm dead meat.

"'s some study notes!" I reply. "Let me see" he says and walks over to me and Doyoung. "Shit....I'll take the blame" Doyoung pouts. "No, you don't-" I wasn't able to speak since Doyoung stands up before me. "Mr. Park it was me who-" Doyoung was cut off by the radio in the classroom. "Attention all students! Please stay calm and evacuate the school! People are attacking each other, so please evacuate- AAAHHHHH!!!" We heard chewing and groaning voices coming from the speaker.

"God damnit, what is this!?!" Lucas asks all of us. "We gotta get outa here" Winwin says and we all stand up and run out of the class like the other students. We run through the hallways only to find people getting eaten by....these monsters. "Aaaahhh!" Mark screams as a zombie pushes him to the wall. "What the fuck!?!" I yell but thankfully Jungwoo punched and kicked the living out of that thing and smashed his head on the ground. "Are you hurt?" He asks. "I'm fine....I'm good" He sighs.

"We gotta Get weapons...." Jaehyun sighs. "Let's go to the gym room" He says and we follow him to the gym room. As we kept running, I saw a girl struggling trying to get away from that monster. "PLEASE!! HELP ME! HELP-" i was about to save her....but it was too late. More and more of those monsters at her up and I just kept running to catch up with the guys. "I just saw a girl getting eaten" I tell mark. "What do you expect. Have you ever watched zombie movies!?!" He yells. "I HAVE BUT I DONT REMEMBER!" I yell back.

"Quiet, you two. Sound brings them in" Lucas pants. We finally arrived and made it to the gym. Of course a lot more zombies were here eating out people. "Quick! Get into the janitors room!" Winwin points we all nod and quickly run over without the zombies catching up with us. We locked the door behind us and sighed. We chose out our weapons after. Jungwoo and Lucas grabbed hockey pucks while Jaehyun and Doyoung chose out some baseball bats. Winwin, mark, and I all break the ends of a broom and it was sharp enough to kill those flesh eating bastards.

"Are we all ready?" I ask. "Wait....wrap some ducktape around your arms and legs" Doyoung handed us ducktape. "Weird.....I never knew they kept ducktape. I wonder why?" He asks himself. "I make the students shut the fuck up and keep on with the lesson" Lucas smiles and laughs. "Haha....real funny" Jungwoo rolls his eyes. "Man....that happened to me before...." Jaehyun pouts. "Yeah...I saw him get duck tape on his mouth by the gym teacher" Winwin laughs. "Okay okay...enough of our funny stories." I say and put a football helmet on and so do the others.

"Let's do it" we say and we all touch hands. "Let's do it!" We all hell and take in a deep breath. I unlock the door and open it up....while the zombies are waiting for us. We aim charge at them.....

And the battle begins

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