Jungwoo- wolf

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*your p.o.v*

"What has gotten into you, you bitch!?!?" I curse at hyung Seung. "Babe, you know I would never do that to you" he grinned and gripped my waist. "Get away from me, you cheating pervert!" I yell at him and run out of the house. Our house was near the woods and I was running towards the woods. "Come back here!" He yelled behind me. I was crying harder than before and hid behind a tree. I took in deep breathes and started to cry.

"Please stop this" I whisper to myself. I suddenly heard a low growl and looked down. It was a black and white wolf growling and coming closer to me. "Please....don't hurt me" I roll up into a ball on the ground and start to cry. Then I felt something wet lick my leg. I look at the wolf and it was now whimpering at me. I think it was apologizing. I slowly place my hand under his head and pet him. He liked the way I pet him.

"So you ran away for me for a fucking stray wolf!?!" Hyung Seung found me. The wolf growled at him and I covered my body to protect the wolf. "Don't you dare lay your hand on this wolf" I hissed. He suddenly grabbed me from the ground and started to choke me out. I kept coughing and coughing. "G-get him" I say to the wolf. He started to growl and bit his leg. He screamed in pain and thats when I stepped back behind the tree. Hyung Seung was choking and digging his fingers into the wolf's skin, but the wo.f was much more stronger.

He made his arm bleed, his leg torn, and his faced clawed up. I couldn't stand to see the sight. But I let him do the job......and he had to kill my abusive boyfriend.......

*3 hours later*

I was inside my house again while my boyfriend got chewed and killed him. I couldn't Stan being with him. He beaten me and raped me. It mentally left scars on my body. I wonder how that black and white wolf was doing. I get off of the couch and look outside from the window. I heard a howl in the night sky and saw the wolf in my back yard. I smiled to myself and ran all the way downstairs and into my backyard. Once I was in the backyard, me was wagging his tail and licked me. I smiled and laughed.

"So, what's your name?" I ask him and smile. I felt like......I could feel a connection with him. Like a human was inside him. And the human was. I saw a reflection of a guy with a cute face and brown hair in the wolf's eyes. I rub my eyes again and he wasn't there anymore. "Jungwoo? Your name is Jungwoo?" I ask. In reply, he barked. "Okay then....I guess your name is Jungwoo" I laugh and pet him.

Days after days Jungwoo visited my house every night and we would always play in the backyard until midnight. I could feel a REAL connection with him. I just know it and I'm not wrong. It's like.....it's like I already know him. Ever since the day he saved me from my boyfriend, those gold eyes of his pierced into my heart and it would never stop leaving my mind.

*next night*

Next night I waited for him when dawn came. I waited a few minutes and he wasn't there. I wait a few more minutes and he still wasn't there. Hours laters he didn't show up. "Were is he!?!" I say and look outside my backyard. He wasn't there. I start to panic. "Jungwoo! Jungwoo, were are you!?!?" I yell out. I couldn't handle it anymore. I got my sweater off the rack and ran outside to look for Jungwoo in the woods.

"Jungwoo, come here boy!" I yell out for him. It seems silly to call out to a Wolf, but I didn't want to loose him. I loved that wolf like it was my best friend.  I ran into the woods and called out for Jungwoo a million times. "Come here boy!" I cry out loud. I was getting scared for some reason. I saw two dark wolves in the distance ripping each other apart. No no, please no! My eyes widened and I quickly ran up to the wolf who was biting on Jungwoo.

I grab the other wolf by its neck and break his neck. It instantly passed out on the ground and I quickly rushed to Jungwoo. He had a big cut on his stomach and scratch marks all over him. "No....." I cry. I carry him on my lap and cry. "Please....no...." I cry harder in his fur. He whimpered and I could feel him crying. "Don't go yet....." I cry harder in his fur.

"You know I'm not going anywhere"

My eyes widened and I looked at Jungwoo. He was......human. I looked at his cut on my stomach then tightly hugged him. "I thought you were gonna die" I cry. "I wasn't gonna die for you" He smiles but then hides in pain because of the cut. "Here! Have my sweater. Wrap it around your waist" I say and look away since he was......naked. He laughed at me and did as I said. "I'm sorry I left you......." he looked down. "It's alright....I could never expect a wolf to wait for me" I scratch my neck.

"But I am waiting for something" he says. I turn around and our faces were inches apart. "You......that's what I'm waiting for" he smiled and slowly kissed me under the full moon.......

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