Nct dream- werewolves

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*your p.o.v*

"Well look who it is, girls. We got ourselves another freak" hyejin slammed me against the locker and pulled me by the collar. "You better scram" I look at her dead in the eye. "And why should we do that?" One of her girls forcefully kicked my leg and I whined. "Weak ass" hyejin laughed and so did the rest of the girls. There was no one around and I was heading to the bathroom as I bumped into one of these girls.

"I said scram" my voice became a mixture of my regular voice with my wolf voice. My fangs showed out of my teeth and my eyes had turned purple. "You Shall not speak of this ever again, or else" I put my claws up to her neck. "Y-Yes..." a tear fell down her face and I turned back into human. "Go" I demanded and they all ran away. "Sucker" I smirk and walk back to my class.

*mark's p.o.v*

"God damnit, when is the bell ever gonna ring?" I say to myself. "Well....according to the clock we'll be leaving in 3 minutes and 24 seconds" Renjun whispered in my ear. "Shut it, Renjun" I growl and lay my head on the table. "Oh how good it would be to hunt for a deer right now" I licked my lips and my eyes started to turn gold. "Dude, quit it! We're in class! People might see you!" Renjun kept hitting me. "W-What?" I snapped out of my wolf phase and looked at the door where y/n had came in.

She sat down next to me since that's where the teacher had assigned us at. "Did I miss any notes?" She asks and opened up her book. "Yeah, you can borrow mine" I say and give her my notebook. "Thanks." She sighs and writes down my notes with her purple pen. I smelled something. I smelled some kind of blood. I look down at y/n's fingernails and see a little tiny drop of blood. "What's with the blood?" I ask.

"Oh....I had a nosebleed" She cheekily smiles and puts her left hand on her thigh. "O.....kay?" I weirdly say and look back at the window. "Renjun, how many more minutes?" I sigh. "1 minutes and 16 seconds" he said while writing down the notes our teacher was writing on the chalk board. "Geez, when are you gonna keep asking what time it is?" Jeno pouts. "You know me, I'm inpatient" I roll my eyes. "Here's your notes" y/n gave me back my notebook and I thank her.

"Yeah......a rabbit would sound really good right now" Jisung sighed. "You idiot, you cant say things like that" Haechan smacked him from behind the head. "Ouch!" He whines and he accidentally bumps his elbow into Chenle. "Dude, what's the problem!?!?" Chenle looks at Jisung. "Is there anything wrong with-" the teacher asks all three of them but the bell rang. "Hell yes!" I screamed out loud and ran out of the classroom. "Oh, there's nothing wrong here miss!" Haechan smiles and dashed our way out of the classroom.

*your p.o.v*

That was a close one. I thought I didn't even touch hyejin with my claws? Oh well.....I gotta be more careful next time. I walk over to my locker and but my book in my locker, along with some other books. I grab my phone and earbuds and walk out of the school and into the forest.....since this school is apparently located in the forest which is good for me. I always see rabbits and deer out here but I feed on birds more since deer and rabbits don't appeal to me.

I walk out of the school and pick some random song in my phone. I turn up the volume so I could hear no one and I could only think about my thoughts. I walk through some trees, and step on some dead leaves. I shove my hands in my sweater and keep walking toward the bridge on the hill. I spot a pigeon and might as well eat the damn thing since I didn't have breakfast. I transform into my wolf self, with white fur and orbiting purple eyes. I quickly catch the bird and transform back into my human self. I let my fangs slip out and start to eat the bird.

I spit away the bones a couple of times and keep walking towards the bridge. It was very quiet here in the forest than any other forest. It was my thinking place, after all. As I kept listening to music and eating the bird, I smelled something. I smelled another wolfs presence. It wasn't just one.....but it was about.....7 wolfs. I stop for a minute and wipe the bird blood off my mouth. I drop the dead bird and look around.

I pause my music and shove my phone and earbuds into my pocket. I look around all my surroundings.....but nothing was there......even though I could smell their presence. I look in the distance and see that I was getting closer to the bridge. I ignore the smell and keep walking a little faster. I walk and walk.....until a grey wolf with golden eyes growled at me and slowly walked towards me. This wasn't a ordinary wolf. It was a werewolf. How do I know? Normal wolves don't have colored eyes, but werewolves do.

I slowly back away and bump into another wolf.....but this wolf was black and had blue eyes shining right at me. Their scent smelled familiar. I look around and soon see all 7 wolves surrounding me in a circle. Their my kind.....and I have to show them their my kind. I bend down to the grey  wolf and it starts growling at me. I wasn't afraid. I showed my wolf powers and soon showed my glowing purple eyes to the white wolf. He then calmed down and sat down. I looked at all of them and they did the same thing as the white wolf.

*mark's p.o.v*

I could smell a human's presence, and I signaled the boys to follow the smell. 'This scent smells familiar' Jeno talked to me through our minds. 'This scent is driving me crazy!' Jaemin growled. 'Then let's go' I signal all of them and we run towards the human scent. As we reached the human's scent, it was a girl. I could only see the back of her. 'I'm going in. Haechan, block behind her' I communicate with him and he nods. I run up to the girl......and it was y/n. I didn't want her to notice so I start growling at her to act like a wolf.

She wasn't stunned or scared, but she slowly stepped back. She bumped into Haechan and now he was growling at her. Soon all the boys were circling her and she still didn't looked scared. 'You idiots! It's y/n!" Chenle sighed. 'But it's her scent that makes me want her more' I growl and fiercely look at her. She bends down to my level......and slowly.....her dark brown eyes soon became glowing purple eyes. My eyes widened and I immediately sit down. She looks at the others and they all sit down.

"Y/n!?!!" Jaemin spoke and sooner transformed back into his human form. "JAEMIN!?!" Her eyes widened and she looked at all of us who transformed back. "Y-you all are.....the same as me?" She asks. "I guess so" I walk up to her and look down. "I......I......let me promise you this. We can't speak of this to anyone. Only the eight of us know now. And if you swear to say anything to anyone that's human, I'm gonna slit your throat." Her voice was a mixture of her regular and wolf voice that none of us can do. "Woah.....what kind of powers do you have?" Jisung, with his super speed, ran up to her. "A scream....." she looks down. "That's why my voice is like that whenever I get angry." She looks down.

We all stay silent then Jeno starts to taunt her. "Oh yeah....what can this girl wolf do then? Aren't girl wolves supposed to be weak?" He teased her. "Jeno-" she tried to explain but he cut her off. "What? I'm sooo scared of you! You think your a lot more special than us since you got a rare power?" He smirks. "JENO!" She yells and her really powerful voice throws him against the tree. He whines then growls at her. "I-I'm Sorry!" She widens her eyes and transformed into a white wolf with purple eyes, running away from us.

"Nice going, Jeno" Renjun rolled his eyes. "Damn.....she has one powerful ass voice" he whined in pain but we all helped him out. "Could it be that......she's a rare werewolf? I've seen no wolf having purple eyes with that kind of power" Chenle tilts his head. "Then she's one of a kind" I smile to myself and see her wolf self running away from us.

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