I Already Suck At Being A Girlfriend

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"He acted like he knew me, like we've done this before." I heard a voice say, the voice that woke me up.

"He was antagonizing you Bar."

So it's Barry speaking?

"I would get close and he would just pull away." He said frustrated. "I mean this was just some sick game to him."

"You'll catch him, and we'll help." A new voice said. Every voice so heard I knew, but they were hard to make out.

I tried to get up, but my head was still spinning. Staying down was the only thing that helped. As they spoke, I tried to gather information on what I did last.

"No, you don't get it, okay? His speed, it is--it's beyond me. I'm not the fastest man alive, he is!" Barry started to raise his voice. "So how do we catch somebody that even I can't keep up with?"

"The beautiful thing about force fields, Mr. Allen, is they're impervious to speed. Now, we're almost finished fabricating the trap, and all that remains is for Detective West to procure the bait."

"I'm on it."

That's when my head started throbbing again, telling me it was time to get up. I groaned in pain and used my hands to hold my head. Waking up, I saw Joe, Barry and Dr. Wells looking at me. I checked my surroundings and realized I was in the Cortex. All three walked to me.

"Are you okay?" Barry asked.

"You should probably stay down." Joe told.

"She's fine, nothing but a sedative to make her sleep. But the question is, why would he knock her out?" Dr. Wells spoke. I shrugged.

"I don't know." I said as so continued to rub my head. Then I suddenly froze, "Wait, how did you know that?"

"Not only are there are cameras everywhere, Ms. Parker--but we ran a couple of tests on you while you were out." he said.

"Oh...right." I added dumbly.

"Well, I should go and do that now." Joe said and he gave my shoulder a squeeze. Like if asking if I was okay. I just nodded and he walked away. Barry tagged along. "Barry, why don't you stay here?"

"No, Joe. Today is not the day to tell me to stay behind." Barry said. Before Joe had walked out of the Cortex, he looked over to Dr. Wells and gave him a look. A look I didn't pay so much attention to. Right now I just wanted to get up without falling.

"Well this sucks." I muttered to myself. Dr. Wells wheeled himself in front of me.

"Ms. Parker, I think it's time we have a talk." He said with a serious tone. I suddenly felt scared, and I gulped.

"Am I going to get a lecture? Did I do something wrong?" I questioned.

"No--well yes....we're just going to talk for right now." He settled with. I nodded and silently sighed. I sat up right in the medical bed I was on and listened to what he had to say.

"I know Mr. Williams was injured during that horrible event. But I want him out of here as soon as possible--and make sure to keep your identity a secret from him. Meaning, don't ever bring him around here and don't ever tell him a thing about who you really are." His voice was stern and demanding. Like if he felt threatened by Peter. I frowned.

"Dr. Wells, I don't underst-"

"You don't need to. Just keep him away from here as soon as possible. Preferly have him out of here by tomorrow." He said as he began to wheel away.

"Wait-" I sped in front of Dr. Wells, immediately regretting it, due to almost falling, "Did he do something wrong? Did he snoop around?" I ask with worry.

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