Famous Girlfriend

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"Ugh, I feel like shit."

"Sucks to suck."

I glared at Eddie from across the room, knowing he was probably wasn't even looking at me.

"Whore.." I muttered, rubbing my eyes and sitting up a bit.

I've been at Eddie's house for quite the while now. I went over to my house the morning of my break up with Barry to pick up some clothes, knowing he'd be working. Iris doesn't mind, she knows what going on. Everyone does.

Ever since that night, I woke up feeling like crap—I mean of course.

Eddie and I are on stage four right now, of a friend comforting their other friend during a break up. The first stage is the stage is when he hugged me and comforted me when I was crying. The second was giving me some time alone. The third was offering help in any way. Now the fourth is when they look sick and tired of your bullshit so they go back to their normal ways of bullying. Which was right now.

I felt bullied. By Eddie.

As I was sitting on his couch, layered with blankets—and we had just finished watching Pearl Harbor together, I watched Eddie clean up in the kitchen. Thankfully, the kitchen and living room were connected so I could watch him work while I sat comfortably doing nothing but crying.

Anytime I'm sad, if I put on happy music or a happy and funny movie, it makes me even more sad because those people are happy and I'm not so I'll watch movies that's make me hella depressed..like Pearl Harbor.

First of all, what the hell. How can that girl fall in love with that guy so quickly and then he dies and then she moves onto his best friend only for him to come back to freaking life only so she can reject him and go to the best friend ONLY FOR HIM TO-I've spoiled too much, I'm sorry.

But like I'm actually triggered now.

Eddie scolded me for wanting to watch such a sad movie I've never seen for the first time.

Lost in my thoughts, my phone rings. At first I ignore it, hoping it would go away. But out of nowhere, Eddie flung it at full speed at my face--scaring the crap out of me.

"Are you trying to kill me?!" I shouted in shock, my jaw practically on the floor. He chuckled to himself and mouthed the words 'trying' as I pick up the phone.

"Hey Caity." I answered, trying to sound joyful. Trying. But I sounded void inside, and felt dead.

"Hey." She replied back, her voice soft--knowing I'm fragile right now.

"What's up?"

"Oh umm nothing much. It's pretty quiet as of right now. No new metahumans running around--"


"Yeah, yet. Anyway, I just wanted to check on you, make sure you're okay. If you need a place to stay, I'm more than happy to--"

"That's sweet Caity but," I glanced over to a stumbling Eddie, nearly dropping a glass plate. I held in my laugh at the dork, "--I'm good. I've got Eddie."

"Oh um, okay."

It went silent.

"Also, I hate to bring it up, but if you ever want to talk, you've always got me."

I smiled, thankful I had someone as cute and as sweet at Caitlin. I love her.

"Thanks Cait, I'll be on your front step when I'm ready," I gave a small laugh to lighten the mood, I heard her laugh along. I said good-bye and looked back to see Eddie holding a bowl full of hot Cheetos with lemon drowning them.

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