Part 3

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After getting to the house, everyone was screaming and crying saying that they missed me. "Aw guys I missed you all too. But I have one question". I said. "What's up?" Tyler said. I made a serious face and made a fist. "Who. Shot. Me?" I said in a dangerous tone. Their eyes widen and took steps away from me. Except for Jon. He just smirked as he wrapped his arms around me waist behind me. "U-Um...... Blue did". Moo said. My face went serious then angry. "I'm gonna kill her". I said. Then I heard Anthony chuckling. "Your a little too late Ana". He said. "What?" I said. "Your looking at the people who killed your killer". He said. My eyes widened. "Y-You guys killed Blue?!" I said shocked but happy at the same time. "Yep". Evan said. "Even you two?" I said to Albert and Jake. They smirked and nodded. I looked at my friends in disbelief but then smiled. "Awesome". I said. "I do anything for you baby". Jon whispered in my ear. I blushed and felt him kiss my cheek. "How about we all celebrate Ana's awakening?" Anthony said. We all nodded in agreement. We all left the house and went to a restaurant. We all were having fun and were eating food. But then suddenly someone bumped into my chair hardly making me spill some of my drink onto my shirt. I got up angrily and turned around to see a girl. She had brown skin, eyes, and brown short curly hair. She was shorter than me as well. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to do that". She said. I looked into her eyes. She wasn't faking. She was actually sorry. I sighed. "It's fine". I said. "I'll be right back guys". I said to the others and went to the bathroom. Once I got in, I heard the girl come in too. "Again I'm so sorry". She said and gave me some paper towels. "It's fine I told you. I'm just glad your being honest and not a faker". I said. "Yeah. I hate fakers". She said. "Don't we all?" I said and she nodded. "I'm Elizabeth Koshy but my friends call me Liza". She said. (Liza Koshy) ."Anastasia Valentine. You can just call me Ana". I said. "Nice to meet you". She said. "You too". I said. She look down at my stomach and her eyes widen. I think she notice my scars. "OMG what happened there?" She said. "I was shot in my school prom last year. From what I heard, I was in a coma for a few months. I just woke up from the coma today". I said. "Omg that's so scary but I'm glad your ok". She said. "Hm thanks". I said. Then suddenly the door open to reveal Lauren. "Hey Ana. We're leaving now". She said. "Oh ok". I said and she left. "Well it's was nice talking to you Liza but I have to go now. See you around". I said. "Yeah you too". She said with a smile. I soon left the bathroom and found the others waiting for me outside. "Who was that girl you were talking to Ana?" Lauren said. "Oh just a girl I met. You know? The one who bumped into my seat making me spill my drink?" I said. "She said sorry, didn't she?" Luna said. "Yeah she did. She's really nice actually". I said. Hm.... maybe me and her will cross paths again. Who knows. We soon got home and I relaxed onto my bed. That is until Anthony came into the room. "Hey". He said. "Hey". I said. He walked over to me and sat beside me on my bed. "Delirious told me what you and him were planning". He said. "Yeah.... are you ok with it?" I said. "Of course I am. I mean, it's not like we're not gonna see each other again. We are like a block away from each other so there's no big deal. And if anything happens between you and him, you can always come and stay over here to have some space". He said. I smiled. He always understands. I hugged Anthony and he hugged back. "I missed you so much. You have no idea how hard it was to see you like that when you were shot". He said. I smiled. "Your like my third big brother Anthony. No one can get between you and me being best friends". I said. I can tell he was smiling. But suddenly I started sniffing him. "He smells...... different". I thought. I looked at him and he looked at me. "You smell different..... why?" I said. "Oh I forgot to tell you. After you were shot at prom. Another enemy line ambushed us. As we were fighting, my anger got strong. Until, I realized what I become". He said. "What did you become?" I said. "A demon..". He said. My eyes widen. "But you know I'd never hurt you or our friends". He said. "Can you fly?" I said. "Yeah I can. Also Jack and Mark are demons too". He said. Seriously? Them too? Gosh, I missed a lot. Ah well. "You want me to help you pack so you could move in with Jon?" He said. "Sure". I said. Soon we started to pack up my things but left some stuff for me here in case anything happens. Soon it was time to go and I went over to Jon. He smiled. "I can't believe this". I said giggling. "I know right? I'm happy your living with me baby". He said. "Aye!" We heard Anthony say. We turned to him and saw him putting his arm around Marcel's shoulder. "You better take good care of her. Or else I'm coming for you". He said. I giggled at how overprotective Anthony was. "Of course I will. Don't think I'm just gonna have her staying in the house all the time and not let her see you again too!" Jon said. Their idiots. But I love them both. Anthony as my best friend/ brother and Del as my lover. We said goodbye and left the house. Time for a new life and new day. I'm back!!

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