Part 27

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I was hanging out with Tyler and Marcel in my party. Ana isn't here and I'm kinda getting worried. But Jon told me that she's just taking a walk and she'll be fine. Suddenly I heard the door slam open then closed. I turned off the music and I looked over at the door and so did everyone else. I looked and saw it was Ana. "Ana your here!" Moo said. She looks angry. "Ana? What's wrong? What's the matter?" I said walking over to her. She ignored me and went over to Jon. "WHAT THE HELL ARE THESE JON?!" She yelled and threw a yellow folder in his face. "What the hell Ana?!" He said. "What. Are. Those. Jon?!" She said. He picked up the folder and opened it. He started reading whatever was in that and his eyes widen. He closed it and looked up at Ana. "Ana..... it's not what it looks like". He said. "It's your handwriting too Jon! All of you guys!" She said. "Wait what's going on?" I said. "I'll tell you what's going on! They've been playing with us since Junior year of high school!" She said looking at me and pointing at Jon. "Ana what are you talking about?" I said. "They plan to try and get our trust pretending to be good and then expose our secrets!" She said. "Ana...". Jon said. "SHUT UP!" She yelled. "Where did you even get the folder?!" Tyler said. "It doesn't matter where I got it! You were playing with us since high school!" She said. "Baby please.... I'm sorry". Jon said. "Don't 'baby' me! 'This' is probably an act your pulling! You don't love me! You never did, did you?!" She said walking over to him. "That's not true! I DO love you! I always loved you!" He said. "Really? Cause this was made a week before we even started dating". She said. He stared at Ana. "Just forget it. I'm done!" She said and started walking out of the house. "Ana!" Jon said putting the folder down on the table and started following her to outside. I stood quiet and stared at the folder. This can't be true. I walked over to the folder and picked it up. "Anthony I-". Marcel said. "Don't even start talking Marcel. Cause if this isn't true and I'm not apart of it then you should be worried about me reading it". I said. "B-But-". He said. "Shut up!" I shouted. I opened it and started reading it. "I-It's true ....... all of it..... even about me....". I said quickly closed it and on put it down. "Anthony....... I'm s-". Marcel said. "So you think it's ok to just play with our emotions? Is it really that funny to you all?" I said not facing them. "A-Anthony I-.... w-we-". Marcel said. "You want us to be hurt. You want us to feel like we don't belong here in this world. And I did so much for you. This is how you repay me? Repay us? Those school shootings were ended because of me and Ana. We could've just let them kill you all". I said. "Anthony stop saying this! I'm sorry!" Marcel said grabbing my arm. "YOU'RE NOT SORRY!!" I yelled in my demon voice and yelled in his face. He yelped. I took a deep breath trying to control my anger. "We had much worse lives than all of you. I lost my parents at the age of 2! Ana doesn't even know her parents! We raised in a gang at a young age! And most importantly, we were bullied every day by you! You guys think your lives are so much better than ours! WE NEVER HAD A GOOD LIFE! WE'LL NEVER GET A NORMAL LIFE! I'VE GOTTEN DEPRESSED! HELL I'VE TRIED SUICIDE ATTEMPTS AND I HAD TO BE ON DRUGS TO GET RID OF IT!" I yelled. I suddenly froze at what I just said. "A-Anthony?" Marcel said. He tried to grab my hand but I moved away. I realize I started to cry. "Don't touch me!" I said and ran out the back door and flew away. I can't take this anymore. I need time for myself.

I was ran back to the house and I then heard Jon close the door. "Ana please! I'm sorry I didn't tell you! Please forgive me!" He said. I ignored him and went to our room. "Ana!" He said. I grabbed my phone, my knife, and some money but then I felt Jon grab my arm. I turned around with anger. "Don't touch me!" I said. "Ana I'm sorry! I do love you! With all my heart! Please!" He said. "No you don't! Cause the evidence shows that was a week before we were dating and we was all friendly to each other! You don't love me! This was a joke!" I said. "No it's not!" He said. "Then tell me Jonathan Dennis!" I said. "Yes we made a plan but I wasn't trying to pretend on you! I pretended on the guys!" He said. "I don't believe that". I said and walk away from him. "Do you believe me or that stupid evidence Ana?! You should believe me! I'm your boyfriend!" He said. I stopped walking. "I don't know what to believe anymore. I'm not even sure if I'm even talking to my boyfriend. So I think I'm done with all this". I said. "W-What?" He said. I walked away. "I need time away". I said and walked out of the room and out of the house. I shapeshifted into a bird but I was in my human form and I flew away. I decided to go to the club house and stay there alone. Once I got there, I walked in and went into my room.

I stared at the door. Are we done? Is it really over? I started breathing heavily and tears started rolling down my face. I then I broke down. I started crying uncontrollably and screaming as well. "AAAANNNAAA!!!" I cried out. I fell to my knees and I started punching the floor. I had emotions going through me. Sadness and anger. Mostly anger. To myself. "Why?! Why didn't I say anything about that?! Ana!!!!" I cried out. I took deep breaths but I still wasn't feeling better. I went over to my dresser and opened the top. "Hello old friend". I said picking up my old pocket knife. I sat on my bed and rolled up my sleeves and started cutting my wrists. I smiled softly at my pain but I still cried. I stopped at the eighth cut and then cleaned them. Once I was done, I got in bed and kept crying silently until I feel asleep.

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