Part 20

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I was hanging out with Liza and Gabbie in Liza's apartment talking about a lot of stuff. "I'm bored of talking! Can we do something?" Gabbie said. "Aw. But Liza's couch is so comfy and soft. I just wanna take a nap right now". I said. "Ana it's still morning". Liza said. "Your point is?" I said. "Same Ana". Gabbie said. "Let's go bother someone if your bored o-". I said but I was cut off by a knock on the door. Liza got up and went to the door revealing David and some guy with Scott, Alex, and Jason. "Hey David!" I said. "Hey Ana! I'm actually glad your here". He said. "Why?" I said. " I need you to lay down and be blindfolded". He said. "What?!" I said. "David, you can't do it to her! She's new!" Jason said. "Exactly why we need to do it. She's new so she has to". David said. "Fine whatever". I said and laid down on the floor and Liza put a towel on my face. "You can't see?" David said. "No". I said. I started waiting for what was gonna come until I felt something on my stomach. "Oh my god, what the hell is on me?!" I said. "Just relax". David said. I then felt another thing on me. "There's more?!" I said. Everyone was laughing. "I swear to god I'm gonna kill you David! I'm not kidding!" I said. "Just relax! Take the blindfold off". David said and I felt someone take the blindfold off. I looked at my stomach to see four bunnies. "Aw...... bunnies!" I said. "It's a bunch of bunnies". David said. "I want them!" I said. "Well you can't". The random guy said. I pouted sadly and helped put the bunnies back in their box and then the guy left. "They were so cute!!!!!" I said. Everyone laughed. "How does it feel to be part of the chaos now cause David mostly the one doing it?" Scott said. "Feels good". I said. "Wait so you're not gonna be mad at me if I pranked you?" David said. "Oh no I will be mad. But I'm not show it. I'm just gonna beat you up". I said with a normal smile. He laughed nervously. I was about to say something when my phone rang. I looked at it. Anthony was calling me. "Excuse me for one second". I said and left the room. I picked up the call.
Me: Hello

A: Hey Ana

Me: Hey Anthony. What's up?

A: I need your help on something

Me: On what?

A: I'll tell you when you get to my house

Me: Kay. See ya

A: Bye

I ended the call and walked back into the room. "Sorry guys. I have to go. My friend needs my help with something". I said. "Ok. Bye Ana". Liza said giving me a hug. I hugged back and walked out of Liza's apartment and soon walked out of the building. I went into a alleyway and made sure no one can see me or there's cameras are around. "Good coast is clear". I said. I shapeshifted into a bird and flew out of the alleyway and flew to Anthony's house. Once I got there, I changed back to my human form and knocked on the door. It opened to reveal Anthony. He smiled. "Glad to see you make it". He said. "Well I had to come and see my best friend". I said. He let me in and then closed the door. "So what do you want help with? And how come you couldn't have Marcel help you?" I said. " I need help with cleaning the fire pit. Also Marcel is out with the guys so I called you". He said. "Ah I see". I said. "So you'll help?" He said. "Of course!" I said. We went outside and started cleaning the fire pit and the connectable couch that is around the fire. Once we were done, we laid down. "Finally done". Anthony said. "Yeah". I said. "So how have you been with Delirious? No problems?" He said. "No. He's been loving to me as he always is". I said. "Mmhmm". He said. "How are you and your soon to be fiancé?" I said. He chuckled when I use the word 'fiancé'. "We've been fine. He been himself as always and I've been learning to control my powers". He said. "That's good. But I've thought of something". I said. "Yeah? What's up?" He said. "I've been wondering what would life be like if we weren't friends with our use-to-be bullies and be dating two of them". I said. "Well, we would still be living together and we would be working hard". He said. "Yeah....". I said. "But it is good that they are our friends. Also it's good that we're dating two of them. C'mon Ana, Delirious is legit insane for you". He said. I laughed. "I know and it's very cute". I said. "But as you know that you're still my best friend and I won't let anything happen to you". He said. I smiled. "Thanks Anthony". I said. "Anyways, you wanna go get some food?" He said. "Sure". I said. We got up and left the backyard and we went to get some food.

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