Part 51

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This show was kinda good. Jon and Luke were having a good time watching and it was nice to see Jon happy again. Right now we were watching a match between two women wrestlers named Paige and Aj Lee. "Ana". I heard Genay said loud enough for me to hear. "Yeah?" I said. "I need to go to the bathroom. Can you come with me?" She said. I nodded. "Jon, I'm going to the bathroom with Genay". I said to him. "Alright babe. Hurry back and be careful". He said before kissing my forehead. Me and Genay got out and headed up the stairs of the arena. We got out and went to find the bathrooms. "Ooh! I found them!" Genay said. She grabbed my arm and dragged me towards the bathrooms she found. "Do you want me to wait here for you?" I said. "Yeah. I won't be that long". She said before heading inside. I leaned against the wall and went on my phone. I was playing a crossword puzzle when I suddenly heard running. I thought it just little kids running so I thought nothing of it. That is until someone bumped into me and I hit my head hard on the floor. I groaned in pain. "Oh crap". I heard the person say. It sounded like a man. I sat down on the floor and looked to see three dudes which included the dude who winked at me.

 I sat down on the floor and looked to see three dudes which included the dude who winked at me

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I rubbed my head until I saw the dude stood up and they walked away. "Oh no! I'm not hurt. I just got down on the ground to look at a bug!" I said sarcastically. That only made them laugh. I growled. Entitled pieces of- "Excuse me? Are you alright?" I heard someone say. I looked up and saw a man with the same shirt I have and had a long heard.

He held his hand out to me and I took it

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He held his hand out to me and I took it. He pulled me up and gave me a smile. "Yeah I think so". I said letting go of my head. "Oooh. You got a big bleeding gash on your head". He said. My eyes widen and I looked at my hand to see blood. "Maybe you should come with me. There's people who could help clean you up". He said. "No I'm ok. I've been through worse pain". I said. "Oh yeah? Like what?" He said. "Well, I've been shot at many times". I said. "Really?! And you survived?!" He said in shock. " Yep. Guess you could say I'm a survivor". I said. "That's awesome. By the way, my name is Bryan Danielson. And you already know my ring name ". He said. "Actually I don't". I said. "What? I'm known as Daniel Bryan. How do you not know me?" He said. "Well I don't watch this stuff. I'm only here because my boyfriend enjoys watching this along with our friend". I said. "Oh and he brought you here?" He said. "No actually I bought the tickets. Before this, he was upset because well.... His parents disowned him. Reason why is because they wanted him to marry this girl who had a rich family and was working along side his parents I'm a large company. He said no and wanted to be with me. So to cheer him up, I got him tickets to tonight's show". I said. "Wow... That's such a nice thing to do. I bet he feels lucky to have you as his girlfriend". He said. "You be-". I said but was cut off by arm wrapping around me. "Ana! I'm done!" I heard Genay said. "Alright". I said. Bryan looked at me with confusion. "Oh right. This is Genay. Her and her boyfriend who is my friend came with us to the show". I said. "Nice to meet you!" She said. "You too. I have to get going now but it was nice meeting you two". He said. We said goodbye and Genay let go of me. I then turned and she gasp. "What the hell happened to you?!" She said. "Two words. Entitled wrestlers". I said. "Geez. Well let's clean it up. Jon's gonna be so mad". She said. She helped me clean my wound before we went back to our seats to where Jon and Luke were. "Are you guys ok? You were gone for-... Who did that to you?" Jon said sternly. "Some entitled wrestlers bumped into me roughly and didn't even apologize". I said. He growled before kissing my wound. "They'll pay for it, babygirl". He said. "Let's just forget about it, Crazy. I don't want you to get in trouble". I said. We continued to watch a two vs two man match. "Kick his butt Punk!" Luke said. "You too Cody!" Jon said. Soon the fight was over and the two guys CM Punk and Cody Rhodes won.

I was having so much fun watching the matches. I'm so glad to have Ana as my girlfriend. She's so sweet and amazing. Someday I'll have a chance to get down on one knee and pop the question to her. I noticed that Ana was looking at me with a smile so I smiled back and kissed her head making sure I didn't hurt her wound. I'm still mad at the fact that someone just bumped into her and didn't even apologize. Soon another segment was about to be on and The Authority music played. I frowned. I did NOT like them. 'What's best for business' my-. I got out of my train of thought when I suddenly saw that The Authority were in the ring again and The Shield were behind them. I despise them too. I crossed my arms as they started talking trash about Daniel Bryan. I like him, CM Punk, Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Rock, Cody Rhodes, and The Big Show. "Daniel Bryan needs to understand the fact that he isn't A+ player. Just a B+ player. You people deserve more than just that. That's why we have our face of the WWE. The Viper, Randy Orton!" Triple H said. I rolled my eyes so I decided to talk with Ana. "They are so boring. I swear". I said. "Agreed". She said. We continued to talk until I heard Randy Orton say that Daniel Bryan was a nobody and that he was better. Geez, no one cares!

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