Part 30

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"HA! HA! HA! CAN'T CATCH ME!!!" I laughed. It's the next day and me, Derrick, David, and Mortikiy were playing as wolves but in our human forms. We were playing tag and jumping and running to tree to tree. "Tag you're it!" David said to Mortikiy said. "Good cause I'm more faster!" Mortikiy said and he immediately touched me. "Tag you're it Ana!" He said. "Aw~!" I whined. I then notice Derrick was behind me. I smiled sadistically and ran after him. "I'm gonna get you!" I said. "Hell no!" He shouted. We laughed as I try to catch him. He suddenly stopped. I saw why. There were no more tree and there was a big field behind him. I smirked and jumped and tackled him to the ground. We laughed as we rolled onto the ground. We soon stopped rolling and I was sitting on top of him. "Tag you're it". I said then poked his nose. He laughed as he rubbed his nose. "You guys ok?" I heard Mortikiy say. "Yeah we're ok!" Derrick said sitting up. I was now on his lap. Mortikiy and David landed in front of us. I got off of Derrick and laid down next to him. "So it's true that you're the only shapeshifter in your family?" Mortikiy said. "Yeah. I don't know how but I am". David said. "Well at least you met us. Now you're not the only one". I said. "Yeah!" Derrick said. David smiled. "So what now? I'm pretty sure everyone is tired". Mortikiy said. "Yeah....". Me, Derrick, David said. " nap?" I said. "No!" Derrick and Mortikiy said. " How about Ana sings for us?" Derrick said with a smirk. I blushed. "Yeah Ana! C'mon!" Mortikiy said. I sighed. "Fine". I said. Then I looked at David and I smirked mentally. I sighed. I started to sing Gasoline by Halsey.
(Play Song) A- Ana A&D&M Al-All
A: *looks at David*
Are you insane like me?
Been in pain like me?
Bought a hundred dollar bottle of champagne like me?
Just to pour that (beep) down the drain like me?
Would you use your water bill to dry the stain like me?

Are you high enough without the Mary Jane like me?
Do you tear yourself apart to entertain like me?
Do the people whisper 'bout you on the train like me?
Saying that you shouldn't waste your pretty face like me?
*Derrick and Mortikiy smirks*
*David's eyes widen in fear*
A: And all the people say
A&D&M: You can't wake up!
This is not a dream!
You're part of a machine!
You are not a human being!
With your face all made up!
Living on a screen!
Low your self esteem!
So you run of gasoline!

A: I think there's a flaw in my code
These voices won't leave me alone
Well my heart is gold but my hands are cold
*David's surprise but then smirks*
*Grabs his hand*
Are you deranged like me?
Are you strange like me?
Lighting matches just to swallow up the flame like me?
Do you call yourself a *beep* hurricane like me?
Pointing fingers 'cause you'll never take the blame like me?
And all the people say

Al: You can't wake up!
This is not a dream!
You're part of a machine!
You are not a human being!
With your face all made up!
Living on a screen!
Low your self esteem!
So you run of gasoline!

A: I think there's a flaw in my code
These voices won't leave me alone
Well my heart is cold and my hands are cold

Once I was done, I noticed the boys' eye color were all red. So were mine. "We look evil as hell". I said. They looked at each other and changed their eye colors and I did also. "Ok guys I really am tired so I'm gonna go to bed". I said. "Ok. I guess me and Derrick will go home". Mortikiy said. "Yeah me too. See you guys". David said and he shapeshifted into a bird. "Don't forget to change back without anyone seeing!" I said. "I know! I know!" David said and he flew away. "See you guys later!" I said. "Bye sis!" They said and I flew back to the club house. I went inside and laid down on the couch. I then fell asleep.

I was in bed all day. I really don't have any motivation to leave the house or anything. All I did was lay in bed whispering to myself 'This is all your fault....... This is all your fault...... This is all your fault'. I cut my wrist a few more times but not too much. Luke caught me once and now he put a camera in my room to watch over me. I was under my covers watching YouTube videos. I then found my video when I first introduce Ana to my subscribers. I started to cry. I miss Ana so much. I want to back! What can I do?! I want to apologize to her! But...... how? I sighed and went to my main screen. I was about to go on Twitter when I looked and saw the calendar. It's November 4th. We missed our anniversary. Again. Which makes me feel even more guilty. We gotten together on November 2nd. I sighed in angry and stress. "Why am I so dang stupid?!" I cried out. I laid down and once I got calm, I gotten tired and fell asleep.

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