Part 39

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I was hanging out with David, Trisha, Jason, and Brandon. "So what are we gonna do?" I said. "Well we're waiting on someone". David said. "Who?" I said. "You'll see". Jason said. "Noooo~! No more surprises~! ESPECIALLY YOU DAVID!" I shouted. David laughed while holding his camera to me. A few minutes later, there was a knock on the door. David went to get it and suddenly I hear whispering. "I hear whispering!" I shouted. "Whispering?" Brandon said. I ignored him and watch the door. Then suddenly David came in with........ Josh Peck. My eyes widen and my jaw dropped. Liza was NOT lying! Trisha, Jason, and Brandon laughed at me. "Who's she?" Josh said. "Josh meet Anastasia. And I'm pretty sure she knows who you are stating by her face". David said. "Omg it's so nice to meet you! I loved Drake and Josh!" I said getting up. "Well I guess I have another super fan!" Josh said and we all laughed. "Ok so let's go". David said. "We're going somewhere?" I said. "Yeah to our friend Jonah's house". He said. "You didn't introduce me to him, right?" I said. "No I haven't. I must warn you. He's a weirdo". He said. "Come on. He can't be". I said. "I warn ya". He said. I shrugged and we left the house and into David's car. "Damn! You got a nice car". I said. "Thanks Ana". David said. The car drove away and me and Trisha just talked through it. Some of the stuff she talks about are kinda disgusting. "Uh Jason, does Trisha always talks like this?" I said. "Trisha she's still a teenager!" Jason said. She laughed. "So? She'll learn". Trisha said. I blushed softly. Soon we got to this 'Jonah' guy's house and we hopped out of the car. His house was nice. We walk towards his front door and David knocked. The door open to reveal a big guy with brown hair and eyes. "Hey man". David said. "Hey guys". The guy said. Then he looked at me. "Who's she?" He said. "This is Anastasia. Anastasia, this is Jonah". David said. "Nice to meet you". I said. "You too". He said. We got inside and I saw more people inside. Probably his family. A woman came and shook David and the rest hands. Then she looked at me. She started talking in a different language. "Who are you?" She said. "My name is Anastasia". I said. "She's our new friend". David said. "You are in trouble if you are David's friend". She said. I laughed. "Trust me I'm more trouble than David". I said. "Ok so let's introduce her to everyone". Josh said. "Ok well Anastasia, these are my parents. Then this is my sister Suzy and my little brother Vardan". Jonah said. "Also my actually name is Nick but David and the others call me Jonah". Jonah said. I looked at David with a confused face. "Cause he looks like Jonah Hill". He said. "Oooh..... you guys are idiots". I said. He laughed. "How are you so pretty?" Vardan said. "Aw~. Thank you. I honestly don't know why I am. Guess I was born this way". I said then ruffled his hair. He blushed softly and then walked away. Everyone continued to talk and went and talk with Suzy. She was a chill girl. "ICarly was always better than Drake and Josh". I heard Jonah mumble. "What was that?" David said. "I heard ICarly was always better than Drake and Josh". Jonah repeated. "Well you live with your parents". Josh said. "That's not nice!" I shouted. "It was a joke Ana. Besides, he's a grown man. He relies on his parents". David said. "Well at least he has his damn parents!" I shouted. I walked out of the house and sat down trying to control my anger. I growled softly before sighing. "Ana you Ok?" I heard David said. I looked up at him. "Yeah.... just upset is all". I said. "What was that all about?" He said. I got up and crossed my arms looking away. "....... I never met my parents". I said. "For real?" He said. "Yeah. My parents left me in a orphanage when I was a baby. They separated me from Mortikiy and Derrick when we all were little. We met each other last year". I said. "Oh I see. I'm sorry to hear that". He said. "The only I have is a picture of them that a friend of theirs gave me. I have nothing else but just an old picture". I said. Then suddenly he hugged me. I hugged back. "I've got your back Ana". He said. I smiled. "Thanks". I said. We let go but suddenly I saw something in the sky. I looked and saw that it was Derrick. He landed down. "Hey Derrick, what's up?" I said. "Mortikiy wants both of you to the house now". He said. "What? Why?" David said. "It's important! Come on!" Derrick said. "Alright then I guess we should but I have to tell the others". David said and we went inside. "Guys me and Ana need to go. Like now". He said. "Why?" Jason said. "Cause it's something important. Here take my car home". David said handing Jason his car keys. We close the door and we jumped onto the roof quickly before anyone sees us. Me and David shapeshifted into a bird but with our human forms and we flew away with Derrick. "What is so important?" I said. "I honestly don't know but he had Arianna leave the house with a friend of hers and she has to be their for two weeks". Derrick said. "Then it must be something important". David said. We soon got to Derrick and Mortikiy's house and we landed in the backyard. We went inside where we saw Mortikiy in the living room with his eyes closed. "Ok I got them so what is so important that they had to come and had Arianna leave the house". Derrick said. Mortikiy opened his eyes and looked at us. ".. A blue moon is approaching us". He said.

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