Part 8

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It's the next day and I was walking in the mall with Anthony. He wanted me to go to the stores in the mall with him to find something. He didn't bring Marcel which was a little strange. But he just told me that Marcel can't know this. "So which store are we going to?" I said. "To Tiffany&Co". He said. "Isn't that a jewelry store?" I said confusedly. "Yeah?" He said. "Then why are we gonna go to that s-". I said but cut myself off but think of the realization. Guy + Jewelry = Proposals. I gasped. "Are you gonna propose to Marcel?!" I said excitedly. He laughed. "It took you that long to realize the purpose?" He said. I squealed in excitement. "Are you gonna tell the guys?" I said. "From the 'group'? They already know. But Dlive still wants me to be part of the group". He said. I nodded. Soon we got to the store and Anthony started to look for the rings. He found his choice which was two golden rings.

He payed for them and we were about to leave when this guy came up to us

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He payed for them and we were about to leave when this guy came up to us. "You know, you should put a ring with a diamond for your future wife". He said as he glanced at me. Does he think I'm Anthony's girlfriend?! "Um she's not my girlfriend. She's my best friend. And this ring isn't for a girl so.... you should catch my drift". Anthony said and I nodded in agreement. The guy looked at Anthony in disgust. "So your gay? Ugh. Disgusting". He said. "There's nothing wrong with being gay you big jerk!" I said. "There actually is something wrong! It's disgusting!" The man said. "Listen man, get out of our way before we call security on you". Anthony said. "Like that is gonna scare me". The man said. Me and Anthony smirked and we told the people working here and they got the guy banned from ever coming into the store. From what the workers say, the guy comes here to harass people that are gay. Stupid jerk! "Well that was...... interesting". Anthony said. "Yeah.....". I said. We continued to be in silence until we started laughing. "That guy got what he deserved!" I said. "Yeah!" Anthony said. "So do you want to go to a store before we leave?" He said. "Yeah! Clothes store!" I said happily. He nodded and we went to American Eagle. "I'll stay here, you could go i-". Anthony said but was cut off by a voice screaming my name. I turned to see Liza and her friends. "Hey Liza". I said happily. "Hey it's nice to see you again. What are you doing here?" She said. "I was about to go in here". I said pointing to American Eagle. "Come with". I said. "Yay! Come Gabbie". Liza said. "Uh Ana?" I heard Anthony say. "Oh right! Liza this is my best friend Anthony. Anthony this is Liza". I said. "Nice to meet you". Liza said. Anthony just stared at her and 'Tch' at her. "Don't mind him. C'mon!" I said and us girls went into the store.

Isn't that the girl that made Ana spill her drink when we were celebrating her awakening? How did they become friends so fast? I certainly don't trust them. I looked and saw the boys that Liza girl was with. "Uh What's up?" One of boys day. He was....... tiny. He had glasses and one of his eyes were a grayish bluish. He also had blue braids. "Don't talk to me". I said in a dangerous tone. "C'mon man, I don't mean harm. Unless you want to be harm". He said. "NIK!" Yelled one of Liza's friend. He wore all black and had a camera. "What? He's the one who wants to act dangerous". The boy named Nik said. "Cause I don't trust you". I said. "What's not trust? Your best friend Anastasia trust us". Said the guy next to the camera guy. He actually looks muscular then the others. "Correction. She only trusts that Liza girl". I said. "Anthony!" I heard Ana say. I looked an saw her. We laughed when she jumped into my arms. It reminds me of old times. "Well it was nice seeing you again Liza and it was nice meeting you Gabbie". Ana said. "You too". The girl named Gabbie said. "Well it's best that we go now Ana". I said and she nodded. Ana said goodbye and walked away. Before we got far, I turned to see the boys Liza was with staring at us. I gave them a evil smile and throwing in a daggering glare. I saw them yelp in fear. I mentally chuckled. "If they do anything to hurt Ana or my friends, they can consider themselves dead". I thought. Soon me and Ana got out of the mall and into the car. "So. When are you gonna propose?" Ana said. "In three months. I still have a lot of things to do". I said. "That's cool". She said. "Yeah... but it will be worth it". I said. "Ooh! Oooh! Can I be the maid of honor?! Please?" Ana said excitingly. I sighed. "Yes you can". I said. "Yay!" She said. Soon we drove away. I soon dropped off Ana at Del's house and soon drove off to my house. I can't believe I'm actually doing this. And I'm kinda excited.

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