Part 56

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I actually felt happy for once in 3 years. I felt like..... me again. When I use to live with Mom. My BIOLOGICAL mom. Dad always wanted me to be more like his family with Stephanie but I don't like it. I hate him, I hate her, and I hate their entire family tree and their team. I actually liked Jon until he started cheating on me. With my enemy Summer Rae. I was going to the bar to get some water until I tripped on someone's foot but I was saved from falling by someone grabbing my arm. "Are you ok, miss?" I heard the person say. The person pulled me up and I turned around and saw a man who looked to be 21. He had brown hair and eyes, a little beard, and wearing a black shirt, blue jeans, black shoes, a leather jacket.

 He had brown hair and eyes, a little beard, and wearing a black shirt, blue jeans, black shoes, a leather jacket

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He was very handsome. "U-U-Uh..... yeah I'm f-fine. Thank you for catching me". I said. "No problem. I'm just glad I caught you before you got hurt". He said. I smiled. "That's so sweet of you. I'm Jane". I said extending my hand out. "I'm Donald (Dlive)". He said shaking my hand. I smiled. He smiled back and sat in his seat that was in the bar. "So what are you doing here?" He said. "I came here with my 'father' and his group of friends and employees". I said irritated. He furrowed his eyebrows. "You seem upset over saying that. Is there something wrong?" He said. I frowned sadly as I looked away. "Hey you don't need to tell me if you're not comfortable". He said. "No, no! I think I'm comfortable talking with you. I mean you seem like a nice guy". I said and then sighed. "My dad hasn't really been treating me like I'm his daughter. Ever since my biological mother died, I had to live with him and his demon of a wife. He only cares about his family with that witch. I was depressed the whole time I was with him. During working with him made things worse. I wasn't allowed to be friends with anyone and I had to be guarded. But then I got a boyfriend. His name is Jonathan Good. I thought he was good guy..... but I was VERY wrong..". I said touching my arm. I didn't realize that tears were going down my face but then suddenly Donald pulled me into a hug. "Don't cry. Everything's gonna be ok". He said. I hugged back tears falling on my cheeks. "M-My boyfriend.... I just saw him cheating on me..... w-with my enemy". I choked out. "Well sweetie forget him. You deserve better". He said letting go of me and we looked at each other as he had his hands on my shoulders. "A man never cheats on his girl. A man who does that, isn't a man at all". He said wiping my tears with his thumbs. I blushed with a smile. "He's so nice..". I thought. Then suddenly a slow dance song. He then got up and smiled at me. "You wanna dance with me?" He said. My blush worse but I nodded. He took my hand and we got on the dance floor. He placed his hands on my waist while I had my hands around his neck. We were dancing and we stared into each other's eyes. Donald spun me and my back touch his chest. I was having fun dancing with him until I saw Jon...... and he was angry. I saw him running towards us. I spun around and look at Donald again. "Is something wrong?" He said worriedly. "HEY!" I heard Jon yell. I suddenly was pulled away. I fell on the floor and saw Jon yelling in Donald's face. "Get your hands off my girl!" He said. "Um who the hell are you?" Donald said. "This girl's boyfriend! Stay away of her! She's mine!" Jon said. I got irritated and got up and pushed Jon away from Donald. "EX boyfriend you mean". I said angrily. I stood in front of Donald and Jon looked at me with widen eyes. "What do you mean ex?!" Jon said. I noticed everyone in the room was watching us but I didn't care. "I mean, this relationship is over, cheater!" I shouted. "Cheater?! I didn't cheat on you!" He said. "Oh yeah?! Then why the hell did I see you sucking face with Summer over there?!" I said pointed towards one of the booths. His eyes widen in shock. "Baby I didn't-". He said. "Shut up! I've had enough of you! You and Dad have been treating me bad for TOO long!" I shouted. I felt two hands on my shoulders and I turned to see Donald looking at me with sincere in his face. "So you're gonna choose him over me?" Jon said. "I just met him Jon!" I said. "You know what?!" Jon said before punching Donald in the face making him fall. I gasp. "Hey!" I heard Ana and her friend Anthony yell. They both ran toward Donald and helped him up. "Are you ok?" Ana said. "Yeah I'm ok guys". He said before glaring at Jon. He then got into Jon's face. "You wanna fight me? Fine. I'll make sure you never wanna step foot in L.A. again". Donald said before grabbing Jon's hair pulling him outside. "Oh no". I said. "Don't worry Jane. D knows what he's doing". Ana said. "Is he your friend?" I said. "Yeah he is. Let's go before he does something really bad". Anthony said. We ran outside to see Donald and Jon fighting. "Get him Don!" I heard Minx yell. Jon was badly beaten while Donald got little injures. He was about to kick Jon in the face until Jon's friends Colby and Joe jumped in and started fighting Donald. Oh god...

Dlive was now fighting two of those entitled wrestlers. THEY JUMP IN! YOU NEVER JUMP IN A ONE ON ONE STREET FIGHT! But then suddenly Jack and Smii7y jumped in and helped Dlive. Not that he needed it cause he was wiping the floor with all three of them. "Shouldn't we stop this?" Liza said coming over to me. "I guess so. We wouldn't want the cops showing up". I said. "Aw but it was getting so good". Jake said. Me, Anthony, and Derrick jumped and pulled Dlive, Jack, and Smii7y away while those entitled wrestlers got pulled out by their boss and two other ones. "Why'd you pull us out?!" Dlive said angrily. "Cause it was going too far now. Plus the cops could show up". Derrick said. Dlive growled irritated but nodded. Then Jane showed up and looked at him. "Are you ok?! I'm sorry I got you into this! This is all my fault!" She cried. "Jane this isn't your fault. If anything, it's your ex's fault. He's the one that wanted to fight in the first place". Dlive said then quickly hugged her. "Jane!" We heard someone yell. We turned to see Jane's father, his wife, Jane's ex boyfriend Dean Ambrose and his friends, and those two guys Randy Orton and Kane. "Quit talking to those savages! Can't you see they hurt Jon?!" Stephanie said. "I don't care about him! He cheated on me!" Jane said. "Jane Levesque! You come here NOW! And stay away from them!" Her dad said. Jane didn't move and just crossed her arms. I looked at my Jon. He was just as worried as me. I held his hand but then he wrapped his arms around me from behind. "Jane come here NOW! Quit making a scene!" Jane's dad said. "I think she wants to stay with us". Evan said. "And she can. Cause we can treat her better than you. Like what an actual family does". Dlive said. Jane looked at Dlive and smiled. "Jane if you go with them, I'll make sure you never step foot in the ring again! Not only that but make sure everyone that knows your name hates you for leaving!" He said. Everyone went silent because of what he said. I can't believe he's threatening his own daughter. What a sorry excuse for a father. "So who do you choose? Go with them, you face the consequences. You stay with us, we will pretend this didn't happen". Stephanie said. Everyone was quiet until Jane broke the silence. "I...... I choose.....

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