Part 57

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.... To be with you". Jane said sadly. Now I was extremely worried. I mean I don't blame her. She barely knows us but.... her dad seems to be..... abusive. Her dad smirked. I grabbed Jane's arm. "Be careful, ok?" I said. She smiled and nodded. She turned back to her dad and went with them as they walk away. "Are you sure we should have let them take her?" Evan said. "It was her decision but.... I have a feeling we'll be seeing Jane again". Dlive said. I hope so as well. I hugged Jon and he hugged back. "It's ok babygirl". He whispered to me. I nodded. "I think we should go. We had enough partying for one night. Let's just wait until our wedding Marcel". Anthony said. We all agreed and went into our cars and left. Me and Jon sat in the car listening to music. "Hey. Other than that whole thing that happened, did at least enjoy yourself?" Jon said. "Yeah I did. It was fun. But I'm mostly excited about the wedding that's coming up soon". I said. "Yeah I'm excited for that too. Those two deserve each other". He said. "I'm thinking about singing for them on their wedding. What do you think, Crazy?" I said. "That's a great idea, babe! I'm pretty sure they would love to hear whatever you sing". He said then kissed my hand. I smiled softly and laid back as we continue to listen to music. Soon we got home and we headed inside. I started to yawn. "I'm tired too babygirl". He said. We headed upstairs and into our room. I then grabbed some clothes and went into the bathroom.  I got out of the clothes I was wearing and then put on my pajamas. I wore a black crop top shirt that says 'Let Me Sleep' on it and black and white striped shorts.

I brushed my teeth and once I was done, I left the bathroom and saw Jon in his pajamas and waiting for me to get out

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I brushed my teeth and once I was done, I left the bathroom and saw Jon in his pajamas and waiting for me to get out. He blushed when he saw me. "You're so beautiful babygirl~". He said with a smile. "Thank you Jon". I said. He kissed my cheek before heading into the bathroom while I laid down on the bed and into the covers. A few minutes later, Jon got out of the bathroom and laid down next to me. "Night baby". He said. "Night Crazy". I said. I snuggled myself into his chest and felt him kiss the top of my forehead. I closed my eyes and soon I drifted off to sleep.

I was at the hotel and right now I'm being lectured by my dad and Stephanie. "Jane, you completely embarrassed us over something so little. You could have just talk to Jon. Not bring some stranger into the situation. Now look. Jon is hurt and he may have to cancel his match to fight for his championship belt". Dad said. I glared at Jon as he was getting batches up by some of the medical staff while Colby and Joe sat next to him. "That stranger was much more better than Jon anyways..". I mumbled. "Jane! What is going on with your behavior?! I didn't raise you to act that way! Me and Stephanie didn't raise you to act that way!" He said angrily. When he said that, I started to get annoyed. "Since when did Stephanie raised me? Since when did YOU raise me?" I said annoyed. "Young lady, don't you dare challenge me!" He said. "No! I'm tired of you getting mad at me when I'm trying to be my own person!" I said. "Don't raise your voice at your father Jane! He just telling you what you did wrong! You embarrassed us in front of people! Over something so little!" Stephanie said. "Heh! Who are you to tell me that?!" I said. "She's your mother Jane! Don't you dare speak to her that w-". Dad said but I cut him off. "THIS WITCH WILL NEVER BE MY MOTHER! MY MOTHER ACTUALLY CARED ABOUT ME AND THIS WOMAN HAS NOT DONE ANYTHING FOR ME!!" I yelled as I got off the couch. "Jane stop!" Jon said. "YOU SHUT UP! I'M SO FED UP WITH YOU! I DON'T KNOW WHY I EVEN AGREED TO DATE YOU! YOU ARE NOTHING BUT RUDE!" I said. "At least I know how to respect my parents". He said with a smirk. "At least I know how to be loyal in a relationship. I bet you Summer is gonna leave you for someone else". I said. He growled at me and I growled back. "ENOUGH!" Stephanie yelled. "Every argument is enough to you, Daddy's girl!" I shouted. "WELL AT LEAST MY MOTHER WASN'T A DRUGGIE!!" She yelled. My eyes widen but slowly my anger grew and all I saw was red. I slapped Stephanie. "DON'T EVER SPEAK ABOUT MY MOT-". I said but was cut off by someone punching me in the face. I fell to the floor and held my eye. I looked at who hit me. It was...... Dad.. "DON'T EVER HIT STEPHANIE! YOU ARE AN EMBARRASSMENT TO MY FAMILY!" He yelled. I stared at him as tears formed in my eyes. I got up and left the room and quickly walked towards my room. I closed and locked my door and went straight towards the bathroom. I looked at my eyes and saw that a bruise is forming. I pressed my hands on the counter and couldn't help but cry. "Why did I say yes to g-going with h-him?" I whimpered. I took a few deep breaths and then sighed. "You know what? I'm done. I am done dealing with this! I hate working here! I hate people like Stephanie and Jon! I HATE MY DAD!!" I yelled. I left the bathroom and got my suitcase out and started stuffing all of my belongings in. I then grabbed my phone, wallet, and my jacket. I then unlocked my door and left and closed it. I don't want any seeing me. I put on my jacket then put my hood up covering my eyes. I took the stairs and started heading towards the lobby. Luckily I was on the second floor. I soon got to the lobby and soon book it out of there. I'm free! I'm finally free! I walked through sidewalk as I was getting farther and farther from the hotel I was in. I don't ever want to see them again. I sighed softly. But then something started to go into my head. Well...... someONE.

I wonder if I ever see Donald again....

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