Story: Sunshine!

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A/n: this is a story! But it's not a ship or X Reader and I though of this while watching TV with my dad. (Who is also better than your dad. I'll fite.) there is a bit of Mido's mystery dad isn't his name Hisashi?Anyway, Enjoy~!

You are my sunshine.

"Go Izuku!" Inko cheers as she watches her son during the sports festival.

"Go Katsuki!" Masaru cheers as he watched his son during the sports festival.

My only sunshine.

"I'll be okay mom, I'll be surrounded by heroes." Izuku reassures as he leaves for the summer camp.

"I'll be fine, if anything happens, I ain't going down with outta fight." Katsuki growls as he leaves for the summer camp.

You make me happy when skies are gray.

"We'll be okay mom, no matter what we're here." Izuku smiles, as Inko stands by the grave of Hisashi(?). ( I'm not sure if they're married.)

"It's okay dad, it's not your fault, this happens." Katsuki mutters sadly as they stand by the grave of Mitsuki.

You'll never know dear, how much I love you.

"I'm so proud of you Izuku!" Inko cheers, hugging her son as her eyes water. He has just opened his first hero agency.

"Way to go Katsuki!" Masaru cheers, hugging his son as Katsuki stands proudly in front of his hero agency.

Please don't take my sunshine away.

"I'm so sorry Izuku!" Inko sobs in front of a dust pile, with a green hood on the top.

"No! Katsuki! DON'T!" He shouts as a building crashes over Katsuki, as he threw out the last civilian.

A/n: >:3 This was originally gonna be about smiles, but then I remembered this song exists, oh btw Izuku was killed by Tomura.

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