Bri Or Jazzy

487 22 6

"And she as Pregnant twice! But Huey accidentally pushed her ass down some stairs and it died, and her tooth cracked." Riley smiled telling Tom all that had happened to his daughter while he was away. He heard Tom crying at one point, but now he sounded angry. "Oh yeah, and now you a old granddaddy! An yo daughter went missing cuz Huey gay self-" Tom cut him off. "She's missing!? First he romances my innocent little girl, knocks her up, then pushes her down stairs, now she's missing because of him!?" Tom said angrily. "That's it we're going home! Honey pack your freaking bags!" He was such a tool.

Riley hung up the phone, and felt kind of guilty for snitchin, but guilt didn't last very long for him anyway.

Anonymous P.O.V

I woke up sweating bricks. It's really hot, and Im not really used to the heat. It's dark, like pitch black. There's no sign of light. I feel around with my hands, and I trapped in some type of metal box.

I'm not really good in small spaces and I start to panic. It's hot, humid, and dark. I start crying. Where am I? I feel around my pockets for my phone. I find it in my back pocket and hit the button to turn the screen on.

Atleast they left me with something. I go to call but I have absolutely no reception.

Damn it! I turn on Flashlight mode and move my phone around the room.

It's bigger than I thought but I see no way to get out. When I scope to my left I see a stack that hay? When I move my hand to the left I jump and drop my phone. I touched something cold and nasty feeling.

I scramble to pick it up, but I get it. Quickly I shine the light on the object I touched. It's a dead body! I scream and drop the phone in my lap.

I start crying...hard. I scope out more of the place I'm in. I'm really scared and still crying. I'm able to stand, but it hurts. As soon as I try, I fall over crying harder. It's horribly painful. I shine the light on my left leg and notice a deep cut with dry blood around it, that goes down my calf. It looks infected and disgusting.

I try to stand again, but end up stumbling over.

I scope out more of the room and I see another stack of hay. There's rope holding it together, so I decide to take that.

I look at the body once more, preparing myself for the gruesome image.

It looks like a homeless man. His clothes are all dragged and torn, his teeth are a disgusting color of yellow, and his hair is really long and dirty. I find a slit in his neck, I conclude that's how he died. I also see a black object in his hands.

I dare to get closer, I've never been the brave type, but this is important.

The black object is a pistle. Thank god this man had a gun! I get even closer and pry it from his cold dead hands. It takes forever and I see that he has quite a grip on it. I'm really disgusted but eventually, I remove it.

I decide to take all I can from the man. In his jacket I find another phone.

So I smashed it against the hard metal floors. It cracks really deep, so I set the phone aside and check his pockets for more.

I find a pack of cigarettes, a lighter, an unscratched lottery ticket, $5, a coupon for liquor, ponytail holders, Chapstick, a small comb, and gum.

I fit what I can in my pockets and fit the rest in my bra. I take out the shattered phone and start picking at the pieces.

After awhile I start wondering what time it is. I forgot to check while I looked at my phone.

It's 2 in the afternoon, and I have 96%. That wasn't going to last long, considering I didn't know how long I'd be In here.

I started working faster and picking at the glass shards of this phone. I've already broken 3 nails in the process.

My leg starts to get really sore. I search the man some more for something else. I couldn't find anything else. Wait....what about the inside of his jacket. I get closer to the putrid smelling body and find a small plastic container of liquor in his pocket! It'll have to do.

Before I go back to my area, I take his horrible smelling jacket and boots. I'll need them.

I pour the liquor on my gash and tense up as it goes in and cleans. I clench my fists and bite back a scream. It's so painful.

My arms are shaking as I pour more on it. It starts to fizz. I pour a little bit more on the gash and quickly put the cap back on the container. I can't waste it all because i might need it later.

I rip off a piece of my shirt and tie it over my gash. I try standing once more, because if I don't get used to it sooner or later, I won't be able to escape.

I fell again, but I tried another time. This time I was able to keep balance for awhile. I walked around on it. It hurt like hell, but one way or another it had to be done.

This went on for awhile. And soon I was able to gain balance, and I could walk. I was limping badly though.

Now able to stand, I stood up with my flashlight and scoped the place again. I see a wide jagged metal wall. With a little knob. It's a door. I look around at my surroundings. I'm in a rectangle shaped metal room. It's a trunk! I'm in a trunk! To a pickup truck or something.

But where are they taking me?

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