2) The Reason

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AN: Music for this chapter (on repeat): PM's Love Theme by Craig Armstrong from Love Actually Soundtrack, The Reason by Hoobastank, My Hero by Foo Fighters, Manniskors Gladje by Lena Olin, It's Raining Men by The Weather Girls, Girl on Fire by Alicia Keys.



Chicago, Illinois~

"I am so excited for today's show, that I haven't slept in two days!" Oprah smiled brightly, exaggerating her emphasis on her sleepless nights and the sound stage erupted in cheers of anticipation, having no idea who was on the show. "This may be the first, very big surprise reveal we've ever pulled off on this show! Ladies and gentlemen, it is my honor to introduce my guest on today's special two hour show…"

PM's Love Theme

The music cued, The Theme of the new TsarIrina's Coronation Theme and the crowds eyes went wide as they held their breath, unbelieving, as they looked and listened intently.

"Her Imperial Highness the Tsarina of all Russias, Empress Irina Nicholaevna Alexandra Dmitrievna Romanova Bristowva!" Oprah spit out rapidly and the crowd went nuts jumping out of their seats as Irina emerged from behind the white wall, smiling and waving to the guests and then embraced Oprah who had tears in her eyes.

"I'm crying! I can't believe it!" Oprah dotted her eyes as she whooped excitedly along with her guests who were also crying happy tears. "This is unbelievable…"

"They're going ballistic!" Sydney giggled in shock as she watched the teleprompter with the rest of her family in the green room.

"We've got her!" Oprah called out again excitedly as Irina stood beside her nodding politely to everyone with a smile before Oprah motioned for her to take a seat on the big leather couch while the people remained going nuts at being so close to her. Most having only read about her and seen her Coronation on television, Oprah included.

After five minutes of non-stop screaming and Irina laughing with Oprah at the excited crowd she finally shushed them.

"Ok, ok, everyone! Calm down or we won't hear anything she has to say." Oprah smiled, clasping her hand over Irina's. "And we all want to hear what the Empress has to say-" She couldn't finish the sentence before they all went nuts again and Irina laughed.

"Thank you." Irina felt truly humbled at witnessing this intense outpouring of love from the American people for the first time; her own people were one thing; this was entirely different. "This was certainly unexpected but very appreciated." She spoke softly.

"Because you used to be Number Six on our FBI and CIA's Most Wanted List for espionage?" Oprah smiled and laughed as the people finally began sitting but still glowing with enthusiasm. "You were originally sent to this country during the Cold War; as a spy for the KGB. Sent to marry your husband and steal secrets from him, but you fell in love with him instead."

"Yes." Irina nodded and then laughed softly when the crowd did, finding her ease and already having them eating out of her hand. "It's quite a big change."

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