5) Laura's Death

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AN: A lot of music this time for the 'film' and it's awesome! ... Music for this chapter (on repeat): So Happy Together by The Turtles, My Girl by The Temptations, My Sharona by The Task, Addictive Instrumental by Truth Hurts featuring Rakim, Mrs. Robinson by Simon and Garfunkel, Kissing You (Instrumental) by Des'ree from Romeo & Juliet Soundtrack, Hit Me With Your Best Shot by Pat Benetar, Back in Black by AC/DC, When Somebody Loved Me by Sarah McLachlan, The Snipers War by James Horner from The Enemy At The Gates Soundtrack, Echo By Jason Walker, Say Goodnight, Not Goodbye by Chantal Kreviazuk, Somewhere In Time by John Barry from the Somewhere In Time Soundtrack, Hymn To Red October by Basil Poledouris from The Hunt For The Red October Soundtrack, She's Gone by Black Sabbath , Malleus Maleficarum by Hans Zimmer from the DaVinci CodeSoundtrack, Mother of a Mother by Michael Giacchino from the ALIAS Soundtrack, Tania by James Horner from Enemy At The Gates Soundtrack.



*So Happy Together *

The moments with Sydney as a baby followed showing just how insanely happy their little family was. The morning Sydney escaped from her crib and crawled into their room brought a hysterical bout of laughter knowing what Sydney became later in life.

Jack walked into the bedroom quietly early in the morning. He was just returning from a dangerous mission and 'wanted nothing more then to see the loves of his life.' He'd told Arvin on the plane ride home. Now he stood before them watching them sleep in his bed. Irina had her arms wrapped around their beautiful two year old daughter, spooning up behind her while Sydney held her Cookie Monster stuffed animal in the exact same comforting gesture.

Another audible 'awe' could be heard softly rolling through the theatre at the image shown.

Jack slid into bed carefully not to wake them but was unsuccessful when Irina opened her eyes and smiled at her husband sleepily.

"Hello Beautiful." He greeted her in a whisper, leaning over Sydney to kiss her as he settled in beside them. His head then bent to place a kiss on Sydney's head and Irina's hand shot out to graze the bruise and split cheek with worry in her eyes.

"Jack…" She breathed out quickly and he stilled her hand.

"It's nothing...I'm ok Laura, I promise." He brought her hand around to kiss her palm and smiled.

"What happened?" She softly traced his cheek with her fingertips while Jack smoothed over Sydney's baby curls.

"I don't want to talk about it right now, please? I promise I'll tell you later but right now, I just want this." He smiled looking down at Sydney and back up at her, kissing her mouth again softly when she nodded. "So what did she learn to do while I was gone this time?" He asked with sadness in his voice through his smile as he picked up Sydney's little hand and kissed it.

"Well, she almost gave me a heart-attack yesterday." She cocked her eyebrow at him, "She's started riding her tricycle off the couch." Irina smiled with a small laugh seeing his reaction. "And proudly told me through a fit of giggles, 'I wuv dangew, Mommy."

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