3) Past Ghost

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Music for this chapter (on repeat): Katusha by The Red Army Choir, Red Alert by Basement Jaxx, Together by The xx.




St. Petersburg, Russia

Irina smiled hearing laughter coming from the pool when she neared the massive marble entryway. She paused in the doorway, leaning on the cool stone to observe her family splashing wildly in the water of the enormous Olympic size pool.

The retractable skylight had been opened letting the warm sunlight in and the water prisms bounced about the room with brilliant colors. The entire space decorated in accordance to the classical style of the rest of the palace and distinctly Russian.

Vaughn had just grabbed Sophia from behind as he walked by pulling her into the pool with him, leaving her sputtering to the surface where a full on splash war followed.

Katya sat in a lounge chair off the side laughing as she sipped on her drink and Marcelo rubbed her feet, enjoying the time together they had now. Sophia and Sydney had teamed up against the assaulting dunking-force of Vaughn, Sergei and Julian and Jack watched them from the far end of the pool where he was playing with Lena.

Slowly she walked towards her baby and Jack, smiling at her older children as she passed and stripped off the blue wrap that enclosed her waist and let it drop at the pool's edge. She sat down on the edge and let her legs dangle in the water, smiling happily as Jack and Lena slowly made their way towards her with smiles.

Jack was holding the baby with his open palm to her belly, his other to her back as he skimmed her across the surface of the water towards her awaiting mother, Lena giggling the entire way.

"Hello Beautiful," Jack leaned up to kiss his wife with a smile when they reached the side. "I was wondering when you were going to come join us."

"I was on the phone with Vladimir." She sighed, the conversation clearing taking something out of her.

"Chechnya again?" Jack asked softly, knowing she had been discussing the recent developments there heavily with her, now, Prime Minister. It seemed, that some of the rebels had requested a private talk about their current situation with Irina now that she was the Tsar, their perspective on Russia had begun to change.

Irina nodded softly and Jack tugged on her ankle. "Get in here and play, Mama." He smiled bouncing the gurgling baby in his arm.

"Absolutely." Irina pushed off and jumped into the water, going all the way under and coming back up with dark hair slicked down her back and her baby blue bikini stopping him from blinking at the sexy sight before him.

"Have I mentioned what an incredibly sexy mother you are?" Jack said softly as he passed her the baby.

"I heard that!" Julian shouted with a deep laugh before doing a cannonball off the diving board and everyone laughed. When he came up he pointed to the walls of glass and stone that surrounded the pool, "The acoustics in here are incredible!" He laughed and Jack swatted a huge splash of water towards him and the laughter rang out again.

"Ignore him." Irina smiled seductively at Jack and bobbed in the water with her baby, moving towards the deep water, swimming backwards and pulling Lena back with her. "Thank you. You're pretty tempting yourself and if the children weren't here..." She spoke softly when Jack swam out to them and he immediately felt his groin twitch.

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