26) When Hatered Won Against Love

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AN: Music for this chapter (on repeat): When The Doves Cry by Quidon Tarver from Romeo & Juliet Soundtrack, Cosmic Love by Florence & The Machine, How You Remind Me by Nickelback, Stay by Michelle Featherstone.



Irina was elated that her daughter had finally come to see her but also knew she had to be methodical in how she dealt with the situation. Her instincts had been right. That Sydney wouldn't pull the alarm and come to her just as she had when she was a child and didn't listen. Reminding Sydney, every chance she could, she was her mother.

She knew that Sydney stood at the glass staring at her and she waited only a moment before turning to face her daughter.

"You didn't pull the alarm." Irina finally spoke telling Sydney she knew exactly why she was here.

Seeing her daughter's eyes dart to the floor out of shame, she couldn't hide the tiny smile gracing her lips that even though twenty-one years had passed, Sydney was still the same. The last time she looked away in shame, when being confronted by her, was when she was caught in a lie about brushing her teeth before bed the week she had been extracted.

"I wouldn't of pulled it either." She smiled standing before Sydney only inches away and separated by glass.

The statement was said with a double intent, to show Sydney that she wasn't upset with her and to remind her, of how much they were alike.

Sydney went straight into questioning but Irina still had questions of her own before they spoke of business, first and foremost being, how Sydney was healing after she shot her… Something that continually plagued her mind, heart and what was left of her soul.

With Sydney's refusal to answer, she obliged and answered her question not wanting to push her further then she was ready for. Looking over her daughter, Sydney's cheeks were pink and healthy and it appeared that she had run to wherever it was the CIA was holding her prisoner, a good sign that she must have been healing well… and not sick with the effects of the Rambaldi fluid. That was enough for now and she breathed a small sigh of relief. She could see the anger and resentment lingering in Sydney's eyes and the demands and confrontation about the information she was providing alluded to the struggle within for Sydney in facing her.

"Trust me."

"Why should I do that?" Sydney challenged with her anger burning bright staring straight into Irina's eyes looking for some truth.

"Because I'm your mother." She answered in a softer tone, giving her the one truth she could, the only one that mattered and needed in forging ahead to gain her daughter's trust again.

She caught the surprise in Sydney's eyes before she turned to leave and when the last gate closed, she went back to the window, hugging herself with a twist of feelings going on inside, blinking back tears she would not let fall at seeing Sydney again.

Irina's heart twisted painfully once more watching Sydney onscreen breakdown in the hall just outside the cells, crying after their first encounter, so upset. Her eyes filled with unshed tears and she smiled to her right, when she and Sydney both, simultaneously squeezed each other's hands in support at looking back to those painful first meetings.

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